June 18thers and everyone else!
How are yall feeling? Ive been up walkin...allowed to advance my diet to crackers and broths today...and ready to take on the world! I know my weight is down...though Im not allowed to weigh xcept at the docs office. There is a lump near the top of my incision inside..Im wondering if that is my pouch when its full? I wish I could better understand about eating too much too fast and what it feels like compared to normal healing and things waking up from surgery. I had lots of gas and a small bm yesterday. I had open RNY on the 18th with absolutely no complications.
Be well,
Feeling better every day! Still no appetite; hate the vitamins (can't wait to be able to swallow pills!); love the results. Broth from chicken noodle soup was heavenly - something not sweet!
I keep waiting for gas or constipation - not yet. Still a little painful getting up and down and turning over in bed (I slept on my side the first day post-op), but manageable.
Hi! I'm a June 18th gal too. I had lap RNY. I still have quite a bit of pain in my left side but feel pretty well other than that. Went the the grocery store today (w/hubby) and was able to walk the whole thing. (I had a nap when we got home!) Every doctor is SO different. No crackers here until sometime in August! I am on full liquids for another 3 weeks -- nothing thicker than milk. Then it's on to purees, then soft foods, etc. I guess each doctor thinks their way is the best. I have zero appetite, so thin liquids are fine for now. I also wish I had a better sense of when my pouch is full -- I can't yet distinguish fullness from the lingering discomfort from surgery. I'm sure that will come with time-- I hope I don't learn it the hard way. Let's keep in touch!
I had lap rny on Monday went home on Tuesday.I finally started feeling better last night. But before that lots of gas and nausua (sp) pain on left side. I'm on liquids, but not wanting anything, but trying to force something down. Blender veg soup was the best so far. Each day is getting easier, I think I expected to be feeling normal two days out, because I have usually bounced back very fast after a surgery.But I also need to remember that my last surgery was 10 years ago. So age does make a difference

hi! i'm glad i found this forum. i was in the hospital for five days. surgery was the 18th as well. i went home on the 22. today i'm doing pretty well. i'm also having the same problems as another poster. not sure whether i've drank too much or it's discomfort from the surgery. i have a lot of gas pains so i chewed up some gas ex yesterday. i can move around okay. i had lap rny. i had some problems in the hospital with bleeding and throwing up blood, and they kept my ng tube in for three days. so that wsa pretty awful. but Praise God i feel the worst is over.
i can have light or notfat cottage cheese, yogurt, cream soups, broth and protien drinks. but it's a struggle to ge****er in!! so i've only tried a bit of protien drink. i feel soooo thirsty but i cant quench it because i feel so full. but i'm super scared of becoming dehydrated so i'm forcing myself to drink water even though i feel like i could burst.
i think this tool is going to help me out a lot!
i'm envious of your gas passing stacy! i cant seem to get much out. i feel like a balloon. i havent had a bm yet. hoping for the best!