Hey All June 4th - Have your Post Op Dr Visit Yet?
Well, yesterday I had my first post op visit with Dr Kim. Down 24.5 lbs. I lost some of that on the liquid diet pre-op, but I didn't get weighed on Surgery Day, so I am going by my starting weight.
Holy Cow I can't believe things are going so well. I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. I am actually a little scared because I am not having any problems with food at all. My husband had a thin steak felit for dinner 2 nights before going to the Doc and I weighed out 1 1/2 ounces and ate it. I chewed the heck out of it, and if it wouldn't pulverize in my teeth, I put it back on the plate. I had no problems. I had no blockage and no digestive problems. I told Dr Kim and he said as long as I was weighing everthing that this was OK. I guess I am just lucky. I am never really hungry, so I time out my meals and make myself eat on schedule. I also get in my 80 of fluid. I am still drinking one protein drink a day to be sure I am getting in my 80 oz. I like the strawberry and bannana ones, so its all good. I also look forward to my one glass of milk per day. I love milk.
I guess the thing that freaks me out the most is that, even though I am not hungry, I also have not experiences that "full" feeling. I weigh out my food and am able to eat it all. I don't feel the need to eat any more because, like I said, I am not hungry, but I hear people talk about how hard it was to eat those small meals in the beginning. It scares me because I think that I will be able to easily over eat later on when I do feel hunger. I dunno. Anyone else experienceing this?
Dr Kim said I am healing nicely and my scars look really good. The Dermabond is really sarting to peal off on its own and soon I won't have any scabs!
How is everyone else doing? I hope y'all are doing awesome.
Hi Marli,
I had my post-op on Wednesday. I'm down 19 pounds since surgery, 29 altogether (that includes the pre-op diet loss) so I'm pretty happy with that. That scale can be mighty stubborn though...it won't move for several days, then I'll haul off and lose a pound or two!
I haven't had any problems with food or water either...knock wood. I've been having a protein shake for breakfast, then a soft protein meal for lunch and dinner. I've been on a turkey chili, with a little ricotta cheese on top, kick for the past few days. I can eat about 1/4 cup or so. Or I fix 1 scrambled egg with a tablespoon of cottage cheese in it. If I try to eat any more than that, I get a real uncomfortable feeling...too full. It's different than the full feeling I had pre-op when I ate too much. It took me awhile to recognize that that is what I was feeling! It just amazes me that that's all I can eat now!
I wouldn't worry about not feeling full this early out. I was told that it takes some time for the nerve endings in the new stomach to heal, and we might not not have the familiar full feeling for awhile...so that's why we need to measure everything. Makes sense!
Take care and hang in there!
Kath S.

Hey Kath,
Sounds like you are doing Awesome! I am so glad about that. I am also glad about what you said about the nerve endings. I will just keep weighing and measuring and not worry about it then.
I like that idea of putting a little ricotta cheese on top of chili. Troy mad a big ol batch of chili a few days ago and I have been eating away at it an ounce and a half at a time. LOL. I have some ricotta in the fridge and am going to mix a little in tomorrow.
I really try not to get on my home scale. I am afraid I will become obsessed. I belong to a weigh loss support group called TOPS and weigh in once a week. That way I won't have to be discouraged or pissed about the daily ups and downs of water weight. 3 girls in my group have had RNY and the weekly meetings help to stay on track!
I go back to the Doc in 2 weeks - will call for anothe June 4th update then! And of course keep checking this thread to see how everyone it doing!
You are doing great - keep it up!
Hi all fellow June 4thers...I had a visit with my surgeon a week post-op to have my drain removed and at that point had lost 13 lbs since surgery and 18 lbs since preop. Unfortunately I haven't lost any weight since then since my doc requires 4 weeks of a liquid diet with basically nothing but protien shakes. I am tired of this diet and tired of not seeing the scale move. I have an appt with the nutritionist on thursday for the transition to the soft food phase of my diet (2 weeks) and at 6 weeks post op will be able to start eating regular foods. I can't wait. I have started drooling over food commercials on tv, and am always asking my dh about his meals (eating vicariously through him I suppose).
Anyway, I'm glad to hear that this is working so well for you all...it gives me hope that my weight loss will finally kick in at some point.
Another June 4th'er here.... I had my post op appointment when I was 8 days out. The doctor told me then I could transition to the puree'd foods and I'd already started exercising. I'm now walking 2 miles a day... atleast 4-5 days a week. Finding a few things that I can't eat or don't do as well with, so I just avoid them. I get the 'foamies' if I drink or eat too fast. I do pretty good about that when I actually sit down to eat, but I've caught myself going to fast if I'm standing in the kitchen fixing the kids a snack and decide to sneak a bite. I've lost 28lbs so far and although the scale doesn't move everyday... it moves. I still haven't measured myself, but I'm wearing a pair of capri pants that I haven't been able to wear in about 2 years and some shorts that I haven't been able to wear in atleast that long. I'm digging out t-shirts that I wouldn't have been caught dead in out in public and now proudly wearing them. My face and shoulders have really thinned out, my rings are a spinning and my feet are smaller. I've gone out to eat at restaurants twice and did fine. I just get my water to go and drink it later. Sounds like we're all doing pretty good.
Melinda T
Woo hoo Mel, you are doing great! I have not tried the restaurant thing yet, but will be doing that next week when I am out near Disney for a training thing for work. I am anxious about it, but reading that you did fine makes it less scary.
And the feet! The Feet! I also have smaller feetn too! Mine used to swell so bad that they would puff out of my sandles. I hated that! I stopped wearing capri pants because my ankles were so swollen - but not anymore! Woo Hoo!!!!