4 days and Freaking out
OK, so I am 4 days away from surgery on June 25th. I should be
excited, and a part of me is. The rest of me is SCARED and nervious.
I expected fear and nervs, but not this! I was on the verge of an
anxiety attack yesterday! Is this normal, or am I just a Wahh baby? I
have not backed out, which I am very proud of! However I am tired of
the nervious and upset stomach. I really didn't expect to feel this
way! I sure hope I can do this, and that it is worth it!!!!
Richard I
I was sure I was going to die on the table. I made sure my hubby knew where all the insurance policies, etc...were at. Then, a couple of days before surgery, I calmed down. I knew that if I didn't have this surgery, I would die quicker anyway. It will be alright. You can do this. It won't be nearly as bad as you think. Piece of sugar free cake, my friend. We've got your back. Good luck!
I am scheduled for surgery on the 25th as well. On Sunday night I really started freaking out. Then I let it go. This is something that needs to be done, or we never would have started the process. Remember, if God brings you to it, he wil bring you through it. I have found some scripture references. They are as follows: Proverbs 29:25 Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.
Psalms 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
God does not give you the spirit of fear. Don't let satan steal your joy. Because from what I hear there is a lot to rejoice about on the losers bench.
Good luck Richard. What time do you have to be at the hospital on Monday?
Hi Robert,
I do not think you are a Wahh Baby! You are just human!
Remind yourself of why you have chosen this road in your life.
Remind yourself that you deserve this more then you have deserved anything in your whole life.
Remind yourself of how healthy you will feel, how good you will look, how proud you will be to have succeeded in this long battle.
Can you find inner peace through your faith, or meditation, or friends, or family?
Can you accept that being afraid of the what you think is the unknown is a very normal behaviour?
And when I am closer to my surgery ( schueduled for july 24th), and you have succeeded in this big step, remind me to not be a Wahh baby! Ha Ha!
Good Luck, I will say an extra prayer to help you with your axiety.
I had my surgery on the 19th and I had all the same feelings that you are having. I've had 3 other surgeries and I was never nervous. I was crying in the holding room begging my fiance to tell my kids that I loved them. But you know what, it was over and done with in no time and I didn't remember a second of it. I got to go home the following day and with the exception of gas/heartburn I'm feeling fine. In a couple of months we'll be saying how happy we were to follow throught with this. Keep your spirits up and remember that we'll all be saying a prayer for you.

dude my surgery is the same day- i am right there with you- i mean the freaking out part- my therapist who has had this surgery says it is normal- thats great but you know doesnt really help too much- i have been spending all my time distracting myself and reading positive affirmations- now that helps- i will be thinking of you monday mornin when they roll me in-