Had my op on 6/15...
...and came home yesterday. I've been a little bit slow in picking up around here on OH, but I have finally joined the June 2007s here, as you can see...
No major complications for me, except my oxygen levels wouldn't stay put to where it satisfied the nurses and so I had to wear an oxygen mask for the first night (I don't even have sleep apnea, odd).
I'm not nearly as sore as I had imagined I would be, and I feel so...at the risk of sounding corny...liberated!!!! It really is different being on 'the other side,' even when you've just gotten there (like me).
If anyone has any questions or is feeling some last-minute panic (as I did), just drop me a note, and I'll be glad to talk to you.

I am going in on Monday. I have had peace about it for a while now. As the date gets closer I am becoming a nervous wreck. I am worried that if something happens to me then my daughter and husband are left behind. I have had a c-section and my gall bladder out before and did just fine. I think I have had way to much time to analize everything. I am thrilled to hear you are doing great. Believe it or not that in itself helps. I know the death rate is 1%, but I keep thinking I will be that one. Does that sound stupid. I know I can handle anything that comes my way post surgery. It is getting me through the surgery. I sound awful I know, but my every thought the last few days have been the what if's. Thanks for listening. Congratulations for being on the losers side. See ya there next week. Donna
I have been so nervous that I rescheduled my surgery from today to next month (for my insurance they are only done once a month).
I think this time I will try chatting on the boards - I don't have any support other than my husband who is semi-onboard with this surgery. I need to see about some support group meetings too I guess. Any ideas on how to keep myself from talking myself out of this again?

My husband an d I both just had the bypass.We are both doing fine. I had a little trouble the first time. May 21 after they put me out my pressure tanked but they got it back up but did not do the surgery. So I did it on the 7 of June, and all went great. Just do what they say before and after and you will be fine.
My husband had his on May 21 and is dropping weight like crazy and I am losing too ! I go tomorrow to the surgen for the big weigh in.
You know, I almost did the exact same thing... I was sitting there, thinking, "do I really want to do this?" and wondering if I could delay it, postpone it, whatever. In my case, the thing that sort of forced my hand is that my entire family is leaving for Switzerland soon and if I didn't do it when I did, there would be no one at all to help me out.
As scared as I was, the thought of winging it on my own after getting home (which is not recommended anyway, as you probably know) was worse. Much worse. I used the same tactic that I used to use when I had a speech in high school or college (still my BIGGEST fear!!): I would think, By this time next week/month/whatever, it will be over and I will have survived it.
And of course every surgeon is different, but I think most surgeons do like mine did, and give you that "margarita" to calm you down before you're rolled into the OR. In a normal situation, I'd be freaked out by the cold OR and all the instruments etc.etc.etc. but trust me -- you're not going to care once they sedate you. ;)
Crossing my fingers for you. You know you wanna come over to our side... ;)
Congratulations on your seat on the losing bench and welcome to the June board!
It is reassuring to hear how everyone is doing so well. I am suffering from nerves, but deep down, I know that I am doing the best thing for me, my husband, and my girls.
I can't wait to join you on the the loser's bench!