Pre-Surgery Assessment this morning
Hey everyone...
I go this morning at 10:00 for my pre-surgery assessment (surgery is Tuesday...whoohoooo!!). I think they take blood and do an EKG and paperwork?? I am so nervous. I keep feeling like this can't be real and that something is going to go wrong and post-pone my surgery.
Thanks everyone for all your support and please send some positive vibes my way!!

Hi Donna,
One step closer to that loser's bench!! I was nervous when I went for my pre-op testing too so in my opinion what you're feeling is completely normal. I think it's normal to feel like you've been making this pre-op part of the journey for so long that each step you tick off you feel like someting is going to happen and mess your plans up. However, I'm sure that will not be the case with you, and you will get through all of your tests with flying colors. I'm still sending up positive thoughts that your tests went well and that your surgery will go forward without a hitch. It's so hard to believe that you 18th and 19th surgery dates are right around the corner. I feel like my surgery just happened yesterday. Where does the time go????
Anyways, I believe that all will go well, and your re-birthday will go forward as planned.