Okay all you 18thers......1 week left.
Are we all ready? What have you done to prepare?
I did some shopping today for post-op foods.
I had my pre-op today.
Purchased chapstick that I've been told is going to be crucial while in.
I have been cleaning and organizing my closet from large to small clothes.
Small bites, chewing 20-30 times to applesause consistency.
Not drinking water 30 min before or after meals.
Hmmmm...I'm sure there are more, but what have you done?

Ive been on a liquid diet with two protien bars a day for what is day 5 today. Im so hungry....I wont lie...its a bit discouraging. But I have not broken the diet...and have lost 10lbs. Im pretty tired though.
I have all my stuff ready for the hospital, did my preop visit yesterday.
I work today and then only 4 hrs of work after that till my surgery.
I am stuck in a dead end job...so hope to change that very soon as well, and have been feeling out the market. Getting the house ready for my cleanfreak Mom to visit...I had the courage to tell her that I will not tolerate any more negativity about the surgery...that my decision was final and it was imperative that I only have positivity around me from here on out...She took it pretty well
I could go on and on and on...but will stop for now...
All you 18thers.......LOSE ON

I have my pre-0p tomorrow. I lost my 5% early on - but it has been a struggle to keep it off.....just like normal.....I thought i was going to have a problem for the 18th when I went to get the cardiac clearance he heard a slight heart murmur - but then just to be prudent he had me do an ekkocardiogram and it was normal....so he said he was going to fax the cardiac clearance to the surgeon....yippeeee....I'm not looking forward to the two days of fleet this weekend to clean out my system for the 18th!...Good luck to all of us June bugs! cj
Im an 18ther to, one day before my 40th birthday on the 19th.
I am going to Dr Rumbaut in Mexico. I have been on liquids since last Friday. The first day was HARD..Very hungry. As of yesterday Im clear liquids only plus protein shakes made with water.
I leave home tomorrow and fly to Mexico Thursday. I have my pre ops on Friday and then get to sepnd the weekend in mexico before surgery Monday. I waitied for 5 years with the only Dr in BC that does RNY. IM thrilled its finally happening.
Good Luck everyone!
I'm an 18ther!! I'm an 18ther!!
I am doing my pre-op and having issues with the artificial sweeteners
in the shakes, but I'm still drinking them. I'll be darned if I'm going
to let this stop me now.
A little background...I have 3 kids and the youngest is 4 1/2 months old...lets
do the math when we find out that back in June of last year I received
my approval letter from my insurance company. Two days before the letter
arrived, I peed on a stick and now I have Brooke and I'm waiting to be
banded on the 18th of THIS June.
Yes folks, I figured the only thing holding me back would be to be pregnant...
sure was. Ask and you shall receive. Wouldn't trade her for 100 LapBands,
but it sure changed my direction quick last June...forward progress - WAIT U TURN!
Now I'm back on track and have lost 11 lbs on the pre-op diet so far. Hoping it
will be more by next week. I have my final pre-op appointment tomorrow and then it's
just waiting until sometime Monday!
Woo Hoo!!! Go 18ther losers!!!!

I'm an 18thers..
Now I am on my liquids only and omg it is agony.. I have some messed up negative family members that keep bringing me food and donuts.. grrrrr trying to tempt me. Almost broke once but decided to kick them out of my house instead.
they think I am gonna back out but I am not.... it is almost like they want me to fail. I am baffled as to people's attitudes toward me you would think that the people that supposedly LOVE you .. would want you to be healthy good grief!! This is including my very own Mother pray for me please.
last week I set a timer next to my plate set for 30 minutes to make sure I space out my meal.. Gosh 30 minutes is a LONG time when All your doing is trying to eat. lol
I can't chew 20- 30 times because it disovles hummm. I hope I don't mess up.
Blessings to you all,