Started Pre-Op Diet Today - The Count Down Is On Baby!
Hi Shell!
Congratulations on the countdown! My countdown seemed to last forever. I got my band last Thursday, the 7th, and am feeling pretty well. I'm stiff, and one of my incisions is more uncomfortable than the others, but walking helps ease the stiffness quite a bit. When they say you should start walking right away, they know what they're talking about. Walking feels better than sitting around. The first couple of days, it was really hard, because it felt like my tummy was going to fall out of me when I stood up, but I'm glad I got started right away. Of course, it helped having my brother here to help me, and it doesn't hurt having a puppy that likes going outside as much as possible.
Good luck Shell. I'm so excited for you!
Thanks Lisa.... yes, it was supplied by my Dr. There is 6 grams of sugar and 11 grams protein.
I guess I did not think of the fast that different foods no mater the makeup could effect what was lost from the liver..... I just thought 10 pounds was 10 pounds
Thanks for pointing that out... I'll have to ask about it.