I have a date! June 15
I am 32, and scared too. I have talked to many people who are 50 and above that have had the proceedure. They did fine. As for me, I started seeing a psychologist to deal with my eating problems, and fear issues. It helped me. Another thing that might help is attend a support group. You might find patients who have had the same surgeon as you, who are in the same age range. They would be a good source of information. I know I'm not 57, but I'll be your friend!
Richard I
Hi Margaret!
I just wanted to welcome you to the June board and let you know that you will find LOTS of friends on this board. We are all in this together..... and will be going through the same things.
I would welcome you as a friend. And an FYI.....I think most of us are scared at some point. Congrats....you're NORMAL!