Liquid diet torture!!!!!!
I'm on day three and really hungry, tired and weak. Cheating is not an option as I'm sure you all know, and I'm not even thinking in that direction, but this is getting really hard. I did this diet a few weeks ago for three days and while the first two were torturous the third was easy. Any tips on how to make it pass faster? I think these two weeks will be the longest ever in my life!
Hey Julie,
We are both going through the same thing right now, clear liquid diet is very hard,
my surgery is 06/05/07 Revision RNY. Julie what getting through this is, looking a before and after photos on line. that 's let me know that if they can do so can I. just keep the faith. when you fine yourself getting hungry, drink some water, or more broth,. good luck julie and much success soon we both will be losser's...............
Drink, drink, drink. I have been doing my shakes and s/f drinks....when I start to feel like I need to eat, I get a drink of s/f coolaid or tea or whatever I have mixed in the fridge at the time. Then I go and find something to do, I cleaned up my downstairs and dusted off the treadmill, I did laundry, dishes, anything I could to occupy my hands. It did help. Right now I am having my shake, nice and slow while I read and post on the boards. And of course, I look for others who are feeling like I do. This is my 6th day with no food. I am still struggling a bit, but not nearly as much as I did in the beginning. I think day 3 was the hardest for me....But you can do it. We all can. We will all be the the greatest losers of all!! Good luck! God Bless!