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Topic: RE: I am 1 week out from PS!
I sent you a link to my picture trail account! I have it all out there! LOL Scary, but if it will help I am willing to share.
Topic: RE: I am 1 week out from PS!
lemme see! lemme see! I can't see your photos either Robin, I had the same problem Karen C did.
I hope you are feeling better. Can you get out of the chair yet? I can only dream--and practice by yanking the lose stuff to the back while I check out my potential profile in the mirror (sick isn't it?). When I was fat(ter), I used to like looking at my reflection in a bifold mirror and thinking that's what I would look like skinny. Somehow I didn't take into account all this extra skin.
Topic: RE: Will the scale finally move?
I was eating, on average, 75-80+ g of protein a day... she said that was too much!
She said to stay between 60-70g protein and dont go over. I sure will put up a plan once I get one figured out
Topic: RE: I am 1 week out from PS!
That's weird - your link to me to your personal site - the same place I went to. I even see the same 6 photos. I clicked on the "other photos" and it showed me the same six. I even tried refreshing. Are they posted with your other 6 photos?
Topic: RE: I am 1 week out from PS!
I am not sure? Try this...
The panty shots are in my blog from 2 days ago. Who would have thought that I would be showing those and my drains off! SEXY!
Topic: RE: I am 1 week out from PS!
Where are your photos? I don't see them when I click on your name.
Topic: RE: Will the scale finally move?
I'm not sure I understand - your previous eating plan was 40-60 g protein and she said that was too much? I really need to get back into so I can track my eats. After you are doing this a week or two, can you post a sample of what you actually eat and stay on this plan?
Topic: RE: My plastic surgery woes (long)
Hang in there! The waiting and fighting for all of this is terrible. I am going round and round with the Short Term Disability people regarding my surgery. They don't see how it is non-cosmetic, even though BCBS of MI paid for it because it was medical necessity! So the fun will begin again on Monday!
Topic: RE: I am 1 week out from PS!
Thanks! I love the Hula Girls! hahaha I got them @ Old Navy.