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Topic: RE: complications: I never thought it would be me
Jackie hon I was wondering where you have been! good Lord I am SO SORRY for everything that you have been through! my gosh what a nightmare indeed,All I can say is THANK THE GOOD LORD that you made it though and you are going to be alright,I know that this is horrible but remember for every bad thing that happens it makes you a stronger person!
I will keep you in my prayers for a complete and fast recovery.
Thank you for the post and giving us a heads up as well!!
NOW the good stuff!
a major congratulations on your fabulous weight loss!! it is time for a new picture!!!!
You take care Jackie and PLEASE keep in touch and let us know how you are doing ok?
Topic: complications: I never thought it would be me
hello everyone havent posted in a long time. Just thought I would tell you all my nightmare and maybe help someone else. I had my surgery on June 30th and to this day I do not regret one minute of it. However on nov 10th I was at work and started hurting in my shoulder and the front of my stomach. I just set there thinking it will pass, it didnt but it did ease up so I tried to go on with my job. I went to lunch with one of my friends in the cafeteria when the pain hit hard and fast the pain was so intense I couldnt open my eyes. my friend went straight to the phone and called our boss up , they took me straight to the ER. The doc ordered a cat scan and some pain meds, as soon as the pain meds entered thru my IV the pain intesified so much more around the front of my stomach the nurse acted like I wanted more meds or something she couldnt understand why I would hurt more after pain meds but I did and it was very real. I went to catscan and came back to find the doctors standing over me telling me I had a hole in my stomach and stuff coming from my intestines backing into my abdomanal cavity and also I had a large blood clot in my lungs. they said both of which had to be treated right away but if they treated the blood clot with heaprin I would bleed to death on the table and if they didnt treat the blood clot it would go to my heart and kill me, the only option would be to put some filters in around my arms so that it might stop the blood clot. I was so scared, I gave my husband the death talk and told him to get on the phone and start calling everyone we knew and get a prayer chain started. the doctors then came in and decided to do another scan to check where the blood clot was. during that scan they determined there was no blood clot they said "it must have been a glitz on the exray" I think it was a much higher power that took the blood clot. the surgery was very rough but was a success , I was in the hospital a week with an ng tube down my nose and heart monitors , o2 monitor , o2, and blood pressure cuffs, oh and dont forget the cath. As the doc was discharging me that morning he informed me that my body was having a reaction to the dissolveable stitches and would probly open up. It did the next day. the doc cleaned it all out and told me I have to clean it and pack it everyday 2 to 3 three times a day. Its been two weeks since it has opened up but it still looks bad but is getting better. I dont know how much longer it will be but I cant wait till this nightmare is over. The doctors said the reason this happened is because my body produced to much stomach acid and it could have happened even if I hadnt had the bypass. they cut down my vegas nerves that produces stomach acid to help not have to much from now on.
alittle advice for all of you if you start hurting (you will know) go straight to the doctor, they said that is what helped me is because I got there so fast. Thank god I worked in a hospital. On a better note I have now lost 96 pounds and about 25 lbs from goal.
Topic: RE: Finally!! My 5 (and 1/2) month pictures!
Gosh Carolyn you keep getting better and better with each new pic!!!
congrats hon you look fantabulous!!!
Topic: RE: What's on the menu - weekend edition
Hi Karen!
well I have started gradually been able to eat again,very small amounts but at least I am back on the right track!The nausea has really subsited!Thank-Gawd!!
B- Protein shake
L-protein shake
s-s/f jello cup
D-3 oz.Vegtable beef soup w/2 crackers
s-1/4 bananna
excercise:been trimming the house lugging boxes more bending then I have done in while
vitamins: all done!
B-Protein shake
s-1/2 apple
L-Protein shake
s-s/f pudding cup
D-1 small stuffed cabbage and 2 tbs.Mashies yeah! I finished it too!!!
S- early yet will have a piece of fruit
excercise: have not sat down today until 20 minutes ago! busy busy busy!!!I am paying today for all the lifting yesterday!!
Vitamins:morning taken-will take tonights!
Hope ya'll had a fabulous weekend!
Love to all of ya!!!!
Topic: What's on the menu - weekend edition
I really need accountability on the weekend because I am bad, very bad.
Saturday -
B - protein drink
S - 1/2 muffin
L - nothing
S - 6 gingersnaps
D - queso and about 10 chips watching the game - YEAH Boomer Sooners!
S - Yogurt
Water - only about 50 oz, exercise - 1 pond walk and a lot of shopping, vits - in /keep forgetting my calcium.
B - protein drink
S - 6 gingersnaps
L - 1 oz beef jerkey
Water - about 32 so far, exercise - 2 pond laps, vits - I'm going to eat the calcium NOW!
Topic: RE: so i had a bad day...
Hang in there, Brooke. You have lost a tremendous amount of weight!! The only constructive thing I can think of is are you exercising, drinking tons of water and eating a lot of protein? I find that I have no weight loss when I am not vigilant about those. I haven't lost anything in over a week, but it's been cold so I haven't been walking and I've been distracted and not counting my protein and water. I think if you kick those up a notch (even if you are doing all three) that maybe it'll help. The other thing is don't forget to measure. You may be losing inches and sizes and not pounds. You are beautiful!! Hang in there!
Topic: Finally!! My 5 (and 1/2) month pictures!
I finally got my 5 month pictures taken and put up (about 2 weeks late). I'm in a dress instead of my typical workout gear, but right now all of my gym clothes are too big so you go with what you got!!