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Topic: RE: How do you get things from your old home page to your new one
I copied and pasted mine also.
Topic: RE: How do you get things from your old home page to your new one
I copied and pasted mine. It worked. I wasnt sure it would but it did.
Topic: How do you get things from your old home page to your new one
I dont know alot about computers but how do you take things from your old home page and put it on your new one. Like my pics and my blog entrys, I dont want to retype all that stuff. Anyone know?
Topic: RE: complications: I never thought it would be me
Wow, I'm glad you are now okay. That must have been very scary! Hugs!
Topic: RE: A little tip for surviving the Holidays!
Great idea, Nancy. I just developed some film from the summer. My daughter had a disposable camera that she didn't finish up. Oh, my gosh! In one of the photos, I am in the background - HUGE!!! And the photos were taken about 10 days post surgery. Yikes. I may have to post that photo on my fridge.
Topic: RE: Yeah, 100 lbs lost
I agree - pre-surgery I would have probably had 6-8 cookies over the course of a few hours and if there were pretzels and caramels - problem dozens in the same time period. We just have to learn portion control! And 2 caramels and 5 pretzels - sounds like good portion control. Maybe you can make deals with yourself -- Like you get your treat of a caramel and 3 pretzels at the end of the day if you did good.
Congrats on your weight loss. You are doing awesome!
Topic: RE: Yeah, 100 lbs lost
Very cool! As far as the caramels and pretzels... how many would you have had pre-surgery? Normal people have a few treats now and then, so it sounds to me like you did OK!!!
Topic: RE: complications: I never thought it would be me
Hi, Jackie. I'm glad you're on the mend. Complications suck! I know first hand. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope you get well very quickly. Congrats on your weight loss, as well! That's amazing!
Topic: RE: A little tip for surviving the Holidays!
Wow Nancy. That's a tough situation to be in. I happen to have a picture on my fridge from a Father's Day breakfast at my daughter's school which was a few days before surgery. I don't really recognize myself in that picture right now and definitely don't want to get back to that weight.
I guess the best advice I can give is to get through it as quickly as possible and make sure that there isn't any lingering temptation lying about the house for you after you are done with the project.
Topic: RE: complications: I never thought it would be me
Jackie. What a story! So glad you are okay. You all are continually in my thoughts and prayers.