I passed out today!
Today, I was doing my regular routine and decided to lay down for a minute on my bed to unwind. That minute turned into 20 minutes. I knew I had to get up to prepare dinner for my family. Just as I was walking out of my bedroom door, I felt really light headed. I turned around to try to make it back to my bed and the next thing I knew I was on the hallway floor, sitting up, with a pain in my back and on my head. I can only assume that I passed out because I don't remember hitting my head or even falling for that matter. When I called out to my husband to help me up, we noticed a hole in the wall where I had hit my head.
Anyway my question is this: Can my not drinking my water cause light headedness? I've been doing really good with my vitamins and my protein, but I am having a really hard time with my water. I'm lucky to get 32oz in a day.
Absolutely, being dehydrated can cause dizziness. When I was having dizzy spells the first thing my sister (an internal medicine doctor) told me was to drink as much water as possible. Dehydration is the most common cause of dizziness and passing out. My problem turned out to be my screwed up thyroid, but you really have to work on tha****er.
Drink with a straw. Try luke warm water. Cold water. Flavored water. Use more salt to retain more water (advice from my surgeon). Whatever. Just get in enough water.
Good Luck.
Hi Olga. I am sorry to hear this. That is really scary. I actually passed out two saturdays ago. It was scary for me. I checked my sugar and I had low blood sugar and that is what caused me to pass out. For you, it could have definantley been dehydration if you are not getting in more than 32oz a day. And then maybe you stood up to fast after laying down. When was the last time you had eaten before passing out. It could have been your sugar too. You need to keep an eye on it. I hope you get to feeling better soon.