6mo Check-up
I had my 6mo appointment yesterday. I have lost 55% of my excess weight. All my blood work was normal but I had quite a few supplement adjustments anyway. At my 3mo appt they told me to cut back on my b12. This time they told me to add more. Gee, maybe I should have stayed where I was huh? heehee. I was told to double my calcium and quadruple my beta carotine. So I have to get used to the new adjustments. I no longer take any diabetes or blood pressure pills. Yeah!! I wish I hadn't ordered the 3mo supply. I have tons of leftovers. Overall they were very happy with my progress and so am I.
They had the results of my CT scan so I got to see those. I have kidney stones and a small hernia. I go to the urologist on Wednesday so will find out what to do about the kidney stones then.
Here are a few things I have noticed lately:
Had to switch my wedding ring to my middle finger. Hmmmmm maybe a new wedding ring for the new me?
I no longer "pick-up" the toilet seat cover with my "cheeks" when I stand up anymore. It just stays on the toilet seat like it should.
My eyebrows have become really dry and flaky like they have dandruff. Not my hair though and the skin on the rest of my face is not dry either. Just the eyebrows. What is up with that? What can I do about it?
My new size 16 pants are getting huge in the legs and seat but the waist still fits fine. Maybe a size 14 with elastic waist?
That's it for now.