What did you eat: Wednesday?
I'm into the holiday party season but doing pretty well. Except those gingersnaps!
B - protein drink
S - none
L - 3 oz grilled chicken, summer squash medely, salad with 1 tb ranch dressing, no dessert
S - 4 small ginger snaps, protein shake
D - left-overs - fahita chicken and veggies
S - 6 small gingersnaps
Water - only 64 oz
Exercise - pond walk
Vits - in
B- 1/3 omlet w/ cheese and deli ham
L- Taco Bell- 1/2 burrito and some tortilla chips w/ cheese
D- 1 hot dog (haven't had a hotdog since surgery)
7pm snack- Zone Protein Bar
Water was better today. I've had about 30 oz so far. Gonna try to get in 12 more. It's HARD!
Didn't exercise b/c I'm sick and running a fever.
Supplements- 1 Flintstone, 1 Calcium and 1 b12 sublingual