What's on the menu? Tuesday
I thought I'd get this started for yesterday. I need to stay focused because I am in holiday baking mode. I've had a few too many cookies -- I have to keep telling myself that it is FAR FAR less than I had last year. But still! I did fairly good last night.
B - protein shake
S - boiled egg
L - Grilled Chicken in soft taco w/guacamoli
S - protein shake
D - 3/4 c pinto beans with meat
S - probably about 3 cookies
Exercise - pond walk
Vits - in
Water - 88 oz
Good Morning Karen!
Oh I hear you with the baking!at first I was dying looking and smelling them, but I am so sick of looking at cookies I could just
B-protein shake
L-4 oz. chili
D-protein shake
I am been baking for days now and I am on my feet from 6am to last night 2am!!between all the bending mixing,running up and down the steps to the basement. SWEATING in my I swear 110 degree kitchen LOL...I call that excercise!!
I can feel it! I am exhausted today and I am taking it easy for a day!HOW DARE I?lol
Vits-all done
Happy Day All!
Hello - Wanda/Babyface. I actually didn't drink 100 oz - I only got in 88 oz, but I'm getting there. Part of it will depend how far you are out from surgery. I definitely couldn't do it early on. I set myself on a schedule - it's the only way it gets done. I drink 8 oz. in the morning on the way driving to work. I have a 24 oz bottle and I make myself finish one by 9am, one by 11 am and another one in the afternoon. Then I have 8 oz going home. - that's 88 oz. Then if I remember to drink another 24 oz bottle in the evening, I make 100 oz. Whenever I look at the clock, I look at my bottle and if it's time, I just make myself drink it.
Another thought - I rarely drink water anymore. I always drink Cyrstal Light or one of the knock-offs. I still can't get plain water down. You might try CL to see if it helps. Good luck!
This will be a challenge for me to remember today. My head seems to be in a big fog lately. I forgot my own phone number last week, how embarassing.
B-1cup cold cereal and milk, mandarin orange.
S- mandarin, and 2 after eight squares.
L- tuna sandwich (about 3/4)
S-SF chocolate (3 squares)
D-1/2 sausage, 4 perogies, with small amount of bacon bits and light sour cream, 1/2 cup of milk
Exercise- not much yesterday.
Vitamin- good
Water-poor, as usual.