What are you all doing for Thanksgiving? I am reallly not looking forward to it as I think it is going to be very difficult. I just feel like I am going to have a heck of a time not munching - and then being sorry later. I know the family is getting together, with Lots and lots of food.
What are all of your will you handle the holiday.

I've concluded that our urge to graze and munch is always going to haunt us. Sometimes it is very difficult. Luckily, I've been able to catch myself before I put too much in my mouth when I do start munching. I am pretty good, however, at sticking to only eating at meal times.
Thanksgiving morning I am going to workout, first thing. After that, I am going to have a good protien filled breakfast. Then, I am going to start prepping my dishes. Three hours later, I'll eat a protien bar. When the meal is ready, I'll enjoy my 1 plate of thanksiving meal. I'll first eat the skinless turkey, then the veggies, then the carbs. I'll then help clean up and relax. Two hours later I'll go for a gentle walk. When I'm hungry again, I'll eat some more turkey. That will be all the food I'll eat that day. Friday morning, I will go shopping and get as many bargains as I can. I'll come home eat breakfast then take a nap.
Those are my plans so far. We'll see how they work out.
Hi Cyndi,
It wont be as hard as ya think, I have been to one thanksgiving dinner already. I was worried, but I got my plate and got several different things, I tasted each thing with just the tip of my fork. I ate the food that tasted the best to me, only about 2 tablespoons of it. I didnt feel deprived and I didnt feel left out. I was full and happy. I got about a tablespoon of banana pudding, I didnt even eat all of it. I think it helped seeing food in my plate and knowing I couldnt eat all of it if I had tried. I hope this helps. I guess it helped knowing if I did try to overeat, I might vomit in front of everyone. That kept me right in check.
I'm going to my sister's (with the whole extended family - about 35 - 40 of us!). I'm planning on helping with the preperations and cleanup as much as I can and concentrating on socializing the rest of the time. I've been to some large family functions a couple of times already and once I got over my initial nervousness, I found it wan't a problem! Actually, I found it easier than in past years when I felt that certain family members were watching disaprovingly at everything that I ate thinking "She's just getting fatter and fatter..." I've mostly gotten uncomfortable with people who haven't seen me in a while going on and on about how good I look. I appreciate the quick compliment, but some people don't know when to stop.
Good Luck

We are either going to my brothers wifes side of the family house or to my older DS girlfriends family house. We got invites to both. I will let ds decide. I am a everything in moderation kind of girl. If I do overindulge on Thanksgiving I think that is okay. The next day all that food will not be there. So I will just take an extra walk or ride on the treadmill and eat better the rest of the weekend.
I know I'm late getting in on this one too, I just have to get on the computer more often and keep up!
I had to share what I'm doing for Thanksgiving!!!
I'm flying to Seattle Washington with my daughter the 20th and on the 21st we are going to the hospital with my son and his wife! And I'm going to see my first grandchild born! I'm going to be a GRANDMA!!!
My son is a what ever we eat I'm sure will be heavenly! He hasn't seen me since before my surgery and it will be fun to see his reaction. I've lost 100 pounds!