hi everyone its been...
Great job, Kim! Congrats on your loss! I know what you mean about not being used to eating so little. I've done that twice this week. Even last night, I dished up a nice helping of green beans, looked at it and said "what am I doing?" I returned all but four to the dish. The silver lining is the little bit of food fills me up! If I was hungry to start with.
Wow! I'll be doing a jig when I break 200. I've got less than 20 pounds to go. I've only felt like throwing up when I've eaten something that was too dry. It feels like it gets stuck. I do get heartburn when I eat too fast and have had a couple of bouts of diarrhea when I ate something my new digestive system didn't like. Other than that, I feel fantastic and like you, I am so glad I did this.
Hi June-bugs......
I guess I'm right there with the rest of you "losers" ha ha ha.. It's so wonderful to
be a "loser" just waiting for me to be a "bid ol loser" and get down to my goal weight. The only real problem I have is.....even though I only dip out about 3 ounces of whatever it is i'm eating.....several times I felt full but there was only one or two tiny bites left and what do I do......eat them of course.....you know old habits are hard to break. I can hear Momma saying "clean that plate"...... But I'm finding out that just one more bite can deal you fits. I haven't thrown up but felt like I was going to....so now when I get that "feeling" in the garbage goes what's left. I've lost 35 pounds so far. I just need to do a little better with the protein supplements. I can't seem to do the "sweet stuff" anymore. So I'm trying different things. Gonna get it right so I can one day soon say.....Dang, I look FINE>>>>>