~*~Roll Call*~*
Good morning!
I am doing great! I have be dedhyrated several times, with NYC being so hot, going back into the hospital twice. I was having problems holding liquids and soft foods, including water, down. 1% Milk came to my recuse and helped keep me out of the dehydration clinic
I started out on 6/29 at 285 on my first weigh, 7/10, I weighed 262. I do not see the weight loss nor do I think I've lossed during my non drinking moments but it is only the beginning and I am keeping my spirits high!
Thank you all for being a great support team!

Late poster...sorry
My DS was June 5th. I was on the liquid diet for 2 weeks prior to surgery so I started at 450 and size 6XL. Today I was 387 and had on size 26/28. I am swimming 30 lengths 4 times a week and walking 30 minutes 3 days a week. I just saw my PT and I received strengthening tubes and I will start that this weekend. I was a slow loser in the beginning, too. I think our bodies need to adjust to all the trauma of surgery that we put them through. I haven't dumped or puked at all, but it is still hard for me to remember to eat slowly.
Great job June babies!!!!

AHHHHH_ I am jealous. My surgery date was the same as yours. I am down about 40 pounds - depending on when I weigh. My weight flux. from 263-267, go figure, but its still better than the 308 when I went to the doc. in May and my surgery weight of 303. I sometimes if I am doing everything right and if I am losing enough. I know I need to exercise more, but with the heat and my arthritis, this has been a real struggle...
Congratulations on your success. Keep us informed.
june 5th here.....I have lost around 30 pounds....some days i eat almost nothing
and others i eat around 500 calories so it is a little frustrating because i have lost this amount or more when i have been on weigh****chers or some other diet and I ate real food. the one thing that i do like is that i really don't have any cravings for any food.....i hope this continues.....congratulations to all of you
Hi everyone,
Congrats on your weight losses.
I had my surgery June 1. I had a rough July with lots of vomiting--turned out to be a small stricture. All is better now. I am down 63 lbs. and have gone from a 26/28 to a 20. I've really noticed improved breathing and stamina. I painted my own toenails a couple of weeks ago
I still have to work on getting in enough protein and water. Currently I am getting about 30 grams, and maybe 600 calories. Lack of food options made me stray for a while. I think I am back on track.
My boobs haven't shrunk enough yet, but the band size has gone down to a 38 or 40, I'm not exactly sure cause the fat lady store doesn't sell my cup size (G), so it's hard to tell exactly.