I am home
Well I actually got home on Sunday morning. So not too bad, Surgery thurs morning at 10 and home by 11 sunday morning.
Everything went very well, and on Fri morning Dr. Reed asked me when we were going to do my operation, because I looked like I never had had it done, coloring and all! You wouldn't think I would do so very well if you knew me in the Recovery room. I guess I was mean and rude to my nurse, and then I apologized and she kept saying it was the drugs lol. Oh and get this I extubated myself in recovery!!!!! hahaha, ya know that breathing tube they stuff down your throat. I ripped it out all by my self!!! My doc said that it was ok because I was protecting my own airway and that is a good sign! Not a safe one but a good one! LOL
4 hour lap operation and 4 hour recovery. They tried an experimental steroid in recovery to help with pain and nausea........ may have caused my nasty mood, but I had no pain and no nausea.!!!
I have had no surgical pain other then a mild bruised feeling. More back pain from sleeping funny. lol I used morphine the first day "because I could" that got boring fast, hate that fuzy feeling, begged them to take my I V out on Saturday. they did and I have been off and runnign ever since. Still no pain from Operation but starting to find little things that hurt as I eat (drink) them. I am compiling a list of questions that I wil post later and hope that someone will have answers for me!
getting dizzy will post more later!
Hi Kim,
I'm glad it went so well for you. I never "saw" the recovery room. The first time I woke up was in my room and it was only for a second. I slept through almost the whole first day.
You sound like you're having a speedy recovery. I am too just not as fast as you. My surgery was the 26th. I felt like I had been hit by a bus for a couple of days and I used my morphine.
Hi Kim, welcome home!
How come your surgery and recovery were each 4 hours? I didn't really like the morphine as I didn't think it helped any... But it's great to hear that you have had little pain, that's so great. I wish my recovery was as trouble free, but I am doing much better now. Best of luck to you on your journey!!