Having sooo much trouble with pre-op diet...
Perhaps it's because it's self imposed... but I HAVE to be sure not to gain any weight!!
My surgeon will cancel if I've gained even 1 pound... I'm scared to death, and I can tell that I'm a little heavier then I was when I last saw her because my rings are tight and I'm not on my period. I don't have a scale that will weigh me - I'm about 10 lbs too heavy for it!! I will go in to the doctors on Monday to see an official weight, but I'm scared to death, yet NOT eating right!!!!
I'm eating way too much, what's wrong with me!?!?!?! I want this so very badly, yet I sabotage myself every step of the way... I had BETTER be able to change this post op or I'm going to fail this diet too... and that will never do..
Part of my problem is the emotional eating I do - We had something super happy happen today and I want to celebrate, so what's the first thing I think of?!?!? Where can we go for dinner tonight?! Then.... Because I know we're not going to I went scouting to find something around here to eat.
I think tomorrow in the morning while I still have resolve lol, I better clear the fridge and cupboards for real this time.
Protien, crystal light and popsicles that's IT for tomorrow!!!
*sigh* thanks for letting me vent,
Tin K
I understand you on this one. My initial consultation was in March...I binge ate for 3 months. If I saw it I wanted it I ate it. I would have bet my life I had gained 20lbs ( I was too heavy for my scale too) but guess what? I didn't gain ANY. I had increased my water intake and that might have helped.
Maybe you haven't gained...maybe you've lost...who knows but don't panic.
How long before your next appt? Because if it's not more than a few days from now you'll will be heavy and bloated from the liquid diet. It took 2 days for me not to feel bloated and feel like I was losing on the liquid diet.
Good Luck!!!
Tin hon I think we all battled this one! what I did the week before my surgery was liquids only,I did a majorly crash diet,I only drank water,crystal light,2 carb free slim fast,thats it,absolutely nothing with salt (tomato juice,v8 etc..) to retain water.
The first couple days I lost a ton of water.I am very glad I did this It really prepared me for the surgery mentally too.
we all have our way but I did not want that "last" meal.
disipline!willpower! everytime I went for something,I said no,I need this surgery more than that whatever it was,I kept myself busy all the time.
Tin 7 days of this will give you a lifetime of happiness,free from the living hell of being trapped in a body you desire to leave forever! walk away from it...no...Run like hell away from it.always remember whatever that is that you are looking to eat is what got you there in the first place!
and drink water till you delvope gills!LOL!
Tin I know you are a strong gal,and you can do this!! I know you can! 7 days until your big day! we are all so excited for you! you are one of the last surgeries! closing out the month for us!
You go gurl!!!
email me if you need,if you want my # I will give it to you,for the extra support,don't sabbotage this chance at a new life,well you can't.........
hang in hon!
I am here for you!
we are here for you!
(((tons of hugs)))
I know where you are coming from. I totally did the "This is the last time" eating certain foods and places. I combated it with lots of walking. I did the treadmill for 15 minutes a couple times a day and walked the dogs all the time. Keep moving, it will give you less time to think of food too. I know you can do it. Hang in there! Keep your eye on the prize and you will reap all the rewards.
Michelle in SoCal
You guys are making me cry!!! You are so wonderful, thank you so much! I'm listening!! I am, I CAN do this.. I HAVE to do this!! I fel pretty bloated, but I'm hoping that maybe it's from playing in the ocean too much?!?!? I dunnoo... Do you think I could be retaining water from playing in sal****er???
I'm going to stop by the doctors office tomorrow to weight myself and check. Then I'll know for sure.. and until then - I'm sticking to the liquids.. and Nancy, you're right about salt, I should have known that!! No more salty broth for me today.. crystal light, and slimfast... I think that will be it for the next few days.
I did pretty good yesterday, but did have 1/2 a packet of ramen with a TON of fluids at dinner -
My diet yesterday -
crystal light
two slim fast shakes made with soy milk and ice,
4 cups of broth
1/2 packet of ramen noodles... BAD!!
It's those carbs, they call my name.. for shame, I know - I won't let it happen today though!!
Thanks for the words of encouragement, I'll keep you posted when I find out A) what my weight is now... and B) I'll try to post on Thursday after my pre-op to let you know if I'm having surgery, or not...