Car Trouble x-(
Is anyone else having the same problem? My surgery is June 20th. Everyday on my way to work I drive past McDonalds. The last few days my car tries its very hardest to go thru the drive in!!! I struggle with the steering wheel to keep it on track. Do cars generally react like this to fast food outlets as surgery date approaches????
![]( food, slow that climbs on rocks. My car breaks down in front of all of them. It's bad. June 21st can not get here fast enough! Actually make that the 16th because that's when the clear liquids start. No more crap through this engine....only good clean fuel. Hopefully that will stop the sputters and skwutters in front of these places.
I know what you mean I was contiplating on going to Burger kIng or the sub shop last night and I just decided on going home. At least with the sub shop I could not remember their # and I did not want to get out of the car even though my son was with me he would of gotten it and the I would of had to buy him something also. I guess kids are good for something.