I am soooooooo Mean
Help please so one tell me how to not be hateful to my family when they are eating everything I want to eat!!! I am on the liquid diet right now and I am drinking my dinner CIB and cream soup and my family well they are all eating PIZZA!!!! Do you think anyone would notice if I kill them all off for a slice of Pizza LOL
Oh boy do I feel that one.... I have gotten really nasty over food a few times recently and I'm not even on a pre-op diet!! It was then that I realized the extent of my addiction. I didn't just think it playfully either!!! I screamed.. and argued.. Dh was going through the cupboard and throwing stuff out... went something like this...
"you can't throw out the popcorn... I'll eventually be ALLOWED to eat it!!" Snatching the bag back....
"Not BUTTERED popcorn you can't!!!"
"Well, then the KIDS can have it while I have NON buttered!!!"
"Ahhh, but why tempt yourself??"
"I don't even like popcorn!!!!!! Just LEAVE it there!!!"
"Not doing it!"
More screaming and fighting......... over pasta, over rice, over pudding mix (it was sf), over, over, over.....
Whooooooo it has sunk in, I have an addiction. This was 3 weeks ago - I've been MUCH better since. I had some stuff to deal with and I'm through the beginning of it!!!
Thank God for this surgery! And a husband who is helping me see my "issues" now. I'm going to have them dealt with. Food is not going to control me any longer!
I think I am having a WOW moment Pre-op and I just feel completely stupid!!!! I have been doing my post-op liquid diet and didn't realize that it was only for post-op... I can have anything I want as long as I have it in baby food form...I would kill to have that pizza for sure now...LOL
Pureed Pizza???? You know it wouldn't be any worse than those Pizza Rolls you can pick up at 7-11. Some people like them and I tolerate them.
Its funny I would rather eat two of those than order a Pizza which I might eat too much of. It's scary to realized that 10 years ago, I would eat a whole medium pizza from Domino's in a sitting... now I'd be full after two or 3 slices - AND I'm still PRE-OP!
I have to admit through the weight loss programs, I've been through, my portion control IS control...and I'm eating better choices, healthier choices (OK except for the Pizza Rolls) so I'm confident in my success after surgery.