my surgery day is almost here!!:dance:
Tuesday here also. I'm hoping to do my before picture tomorrow night : ) I'm having my husband do it, it's his hobby. I want to do a really good picture. I have a before/after pet peeve.
Have you ever watched those plastic surgery or make over shows? The before picture is always of the person, no make up on (not that I wear it, but they always have it on in the after), in their dumpiest clothes, looking like they haven't slept in a week. In comes the "After", in new designer duds, hair done, make up done etc. How can I decide if there was really any good done by the procedure that way, or if it's just a great make up job?
So, I'm either going to have my before picture, plain with no make up and just ordinary clothes, or I'm going to get all dressed up. Either way, I'm going to make sure that they match. One or the other. Just make them match is all I ask lol.
There, now I've ranted and bored folks. Really I'm just trying to do anything but think about Tuesday so I can avoid cold feet.
Good Luck to you on your surgery also. Yes, today is a busy day trying to get my house straightened up. My mom is staying with my children while I am in the hospital. Also, getting my stuff around because I have to leave my house by 4am on Tuesday to get down to the hospital by 6am. Yes, tomorrow will be my day for pampering myself also. We deserve it don't we? Let me know how you turned out.