Im June 5 . anyone........
Hi Yall ! Happy Mothers day!!!
Just dropping in from the NY board been there for months now! Be glad i cant type as fast and as much as I can Talk!! My surgery is planned for June 5 , awaiting insurance approval.
I have added my thoughts to some of your posts , but am realizing I have questions I need you all to answer for me! PLEASE..........
1- I need to be on a liquid diet 10 days prior with the last 3 only to be clear liquid . My question is What items in the regular liquid diet should I avoid? Honestly anything could be pureed down to a liquid.
2- after surgery how many ounces (fresh post op) should one try to consume in one sitting?
3- Anyone on a C-PAP (sleep apnea) machiene? I read a story of the c-pap pressure being too high and blowing the pouch open? As of now when I first wake up I burp as if I just downed a can of pepsi fast, so I know it does goe into my stomach.
4- Do we / should we wear a bracelet that shows the surgery in case of emergency?
5-Why ?
6 - In medical issues should we never allow them to ......? I heard something about never a nasogastric tube?
7- how and what times should I be taking my vitamins and meds ? Right now I do it all at night in one gulp about 8 pills and water.
Thank you .................Kitty
Hi I'm June 5th too! All set to go as insurance is approved. Out office does it different, you meet with the surgeon and get a date AFTER insurance is approved.
As far as liquids, I will be on a 10-day liquid diet too. It consists of 4-6 of: 8-oz Milk, 8-oz Milk with Carnation Instant Breakfast, Ensure or Boost. In between those, it's unlimited uncarbonated, non-calorie drinks such as: water, crystal light, propel, etc. I think broth is included but I dont have my book with me.
And then on our last day it's a clear liquid diet-- only liquids you can see through such as apple juice, water, crystal light, etc.
The purpose of the 10 day liquid diet is A) Shrink the Liver so that it will be easier for the surgeon to work B) Lose weight as every pound lost prior to surgery makes it easier for surgery. The only way to lose the weight is to not consume all the calories of food, so you wouldn't want to be pureeing things just to make them liquid. Your surgeons office, tho, should be giving you a list ahead of time.
That's all I can answer for you--- Good luck!!!

I wish I could even begin to answer or make suggestions on HALF your questions... all terrific questions if I do say so myself - which is probably why I don't have the answers!! I need/want to know too!!
Let me tell you what I DO know though - on your 10 day pre-op liquids AVOID like the plague anything high sugar. It's just setting you up for a possible weight gain and a BIG crash when you come off. Go for things that are low in fat if poss and some protein drinks would be a terrific way to loose a few pounds pre-op, and boost your protein balance which will help with healing and hair growth etc. etc..
Don't be surprised if you wake up with a nasogastric (NG) tube!! They're used commonly with WLS patients - not every doctor, but many. It's okay to have one post op.
I'm not sure on the bracelet yet - the only thing I can think of is that they may try to give you something that is high sugar through your IV - say D5 or D10 LR basically sugar water - and while this is good for some - obviously it would wreak havoc on you!!! And of course the point of a bracelet is if you're incapacitated and cannot speak for yourself - so you wouldn't be asked to swallow any pills... I'm not sure what else?? OH!!! Perhaps vitamin consumption too... I mean if you're in a coma for more then a day or so, your vitamins could prove critical to your healing.. because while they'll feed you balanced nutritional calories through your IV, they won't likely make sure you get the vitamins you need... just a thought - I'm an RN, but have never dealt with WLS patients.
I've heard that about the CPAP machine too... I'd research and keep asking.
taking your vitamins all at once will probably be hard once you're post op - ask your nutritionist when is best for each thing...
As far as how much - everyone is different because alot of dr's do different pouch sizes, even for the same surgery!!! I've heard of 15cc to 60cc... but the most common I believe is 30cc. My nutritionist gave me the guidance on this one... and for ME - I'm supposed to do 2oz at first and then very shortly (maybe a week?) go up to 4oz.
Hope some of that helps!! This post is old enough you may already have found your own answers!! Can you share if you have??
Thank you , you were helpful.......Im a LPN but also have never dealt with WLS ever. The list the md had given me had alot of artifical sweeytner stuff in it . A Little confusing because i have a problem with anything except splenda products. I do feel I have figured things out .
Today was my first day with my 10 day liquid diet (last 3 days clear) . Im using my protien shakes for meals and V8 veg juice for snacks . 4 oz V8 fruit juice . Lots of herbal teas hot and cold and water . Do you think that gets their (MD) point across ? Calories =740 ,Protien =87, Carbs=45, Fats =0. Thats my total for today and will be my plan for everyday . 100 oz or 3000 cc LOL .............Kitty