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Topic: RE: Uncute dimples.. and other disasters!
I hope you are feeling better soon. I know you will drop that fluid and be back in your 14's before you know it. I am envious of your tt in Feb. My stomach is soooo saggy. I think that I probably have at least 10 maybe 15 lbs of extra skin. Oh well, I look great in clothes and the hubby still thinks I am sexy with out them. By the way what is a uterine suspension? I havent ever heard of that. Nothing interesting going on here, we are having some friends over to watch the Michigan Ohio state game and I have a friend that is going to teach me to use my new wheat grinder. As you know from previous posts I love to bake, so this week I took a bread making class and they ground their own flour from wheat. I found out that during the commercial process about 90% of the nutrients and fiber are lost. But if you grind your own flour you maintain all those nutrients and fiber. So anyway, I figured if I make my own flour and have control over the ingredients that go into my bread then I dont have to feel quite as guilty about eating it and besides it tastes wonderful . Anyway, long explanation, but I am excited about my wheat grinder. I hope you are feeling better.
Topic: Uncute dimples.. and other disasters!
Well as if I thought this saggy belly of mine could not be any uglier......I had a laproscopic uterine suspension on Wed. I came home with dimpled fat!! My belly is now hanging and full of dimples. Weird! I am feeling pretty good though. A little sore and I have stitches in my girly parts, but I feel lots better than when I had Roux N Y surgery. I don't have that groggy sick feeling.
I have gained about 5 lbs from all the IV fluids and feel bloaty and FAT!!! I was wearing size 14 pants before surgery, today I have on 20's to be comfortable, but my 16's were too tight! I hope I can recover from this and get on to my hernia repair and tt by February!!
I hope everyone else is doing fine. Anyone have anything interesting going on besides miss world traveler Lucy? LOL!!
Topic: RE: A Fitness challenge~ you game????
I'm feeling great now that the body has healed up quite a bit. the back of the arms still get sore - lipo hurts like a SOB!!! If you feel my skin, you can tell where the cannula went in. You can feel at least 3 grooves on the backs of each arm and on the insides of the lower arm, but the lower arm doesn't hurt. But it's mostly because they are STILL swollen. But I'm glad I had it done and can't wait to save up enough leave time - a little bit more money to get the rest done. I'm very anxious to finish the project.