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Topic: RE: Job Interview
Wendy, I got back from the ps office. I'm doing well. My seromas are closed and not draining. No pain either. The larger one was really scar tissue. It is getting smaller.
I asked him about my second round of plastics. He said that I'm ready to start looking into it. YAY!!
He liked me in my blonde long hair wig and cute undies!
I'll be seeing him on Valentine's Day!!
Take care,
Topic: RE: Job Interview
Yeah Lucy!
I am keeping everything crossed for you! And have fun at the docs! LOL!
Topic: Job Interview
Good morning everyone!
I had my job interview yesterday afternoon. I wore a brand new 2 piece suit, all in black moleskin. I even had bought and wore black heeled shoes - like at least 2 inches high! High heels, the first time in years. I had no problem in walking either! It was a long walk from the parking lot to the main entrance. YAY!!!
I first met with the HR representative. Everyone was so friendly and personable. I had to watch a video on the hospital and its services. That was a nice introduction to the facility.
The HR interview was about 2 hours. I had to talk about my job experiences going back some 20+ years. My current place of employment, almost 19 years was like a storybook, all the trials and tribulations and saga of my work history. Lots of politics. Then I was taken to meet the VP of Medical Affairs. I had to wait for him as he was on call and running late. They asked me if I wanted something to drink. Diet pop or water. I asked for a bottle of water. While waiting for the doc, I read through the job description. It is exactly what I have been doing all along.
When he entered the room, I took an instant liking to him. He was very personable and easy to talk to. Of course, he was a cutie pie too!! Even before he met me, he got a glowing recommendation on me from a physician who used to be on my medical staff and was President of the Medical Staff. How cool is that!!
So we chatted for some time and it looks positive for me. Now, they will check into my two references and then hopefully I will get called in for a second interview. The second interview will be with the President of the hospital (usually called CEO), Chief Nurse Executive, a VP, some other docs and the staff in the department I would manage.
I really liked the hospital. The best thing is that it is a 100% smoke free campus. No smoking anywhere; not even outside the doors. YAY!!!! The commute is only a few extra miles for me. Instead of me driving southwest, I would be going northwest. The traffic would be reversed for me, that will be much better. I will be driving in the opposite of the traffic jams. Another big PLUS.
On the down side, I would be giving up 5 days of vacation time until I am there for a couple of years. Well, it's a trade off.
I am so excited I could scream. I hope they make their decision soon. I want to get out of my job so much.
Keep your fingers, toes and anything else crossed for me.
This morning I'm off to see my cute plastic surgeon! YAY!! I'm wearing one of my undie purchases from Victoria Secret. It's a lacy white bikini pants with rhinestones throughout. So CUTE and SEXY! I also donned on my long blonde wig. I just felt like being a very naughty girl today.
I'll post later!
Topic: RE: Update on Plastics, Wt Loss and Job Interview
Hi Wendy. I felt strange at first when I looked down and my belly was gone. Now I am getting used to it. It was replaced with the "Ken doll look". I will get that taken care of during my next round of plastics. Yes, it is fun to be naughty. I have to make up for so much missed naughty time!
Flirting is so much fun... shame on me at my age! We definitely have to get together this summer. Could you image you and I at the same time, taking on the world?
I'm with you. My next round of plastics will have to come from my home equity loan. That will take some time to pay off, but it is definitely worth it. I was lucky this time as I had a pay off for my car accident and it covered the surgery.
I'm glad to hear that your hemoglobin level is going up and you'll be ready for surgery. Soon you will join me and others in the flat tummy club. It is great!
I'll post after my job interview tomorrow evening. If all goes well, I think I'll be called back for a second interview with some additional doctors.
YAY for US!!!
Hugs and Love,
Topic: RE: Update on Plastics, Wt Loss and Job Interview
No the iron doesn't hurt, but it is 4 hrs I have to sit there and be irritated LOL! I don't feel great after them for a little, but though. It isn't too bad though, well worth the time if it raises my hemoglobin for surgery! I am amazed it is so close too! I can't even imagine what I will look like without all this belly! I just can't fathom it. I did get my credit card approved at 8.9 percent to do my other plastics! I was happy about that, they gave me a 20,000 dollar limit, so I can pretty much get what I want done.
Now I just have to decide how much hot can the world handle between the two of us?
LOL! I guess they will just have to manage! I sooooo flirted shamelessly at work last night! I was terrible. It is fun to be naughty sometimes!
Well I am happy for you and your new found confidence. I hope you keep feeling good.
Topic: RE: Update on Plastics, Wt Loss and Job Interview
Hi Wendy! WOW, I can't believe your surgery date is so close. The iron infusions you mentioned, are they painful? I know that when I had low potassium after my WLS, I had to have IV potassium. That hurt so bad.
I love lace too. VS does have a lot of cute and sexy lingerie. I did buy a valentine's day bra and matching bikkini pants at Sears. It was black with pink and white hearts on it. Maybe something to wear when I see my ps on Valentine's Day!! Naughty girl again.. Oh it's so much fun to be naughty.
Tomorrow is my job interview. I am excited! I am definitely on the mend. Every day gets better. I started exercising again and it feels so good. Now, if the swelling goes totally away, I will be one happy camper.
I definitely want my second round of plastics in the next two to three months. No more bat wings or fried eggs for boobs!
Life is so good! I love getting up in the morning and deciding what I want to wear, not having to wear just what I have. I'm definitely a girly girl.
Hugs and Love,
Topic: RE: Update on Plastics, Wt Loss and Job Interview
I am glad everything is healing up for you! I am watching your recovery closely since next tuesday is my day! I am so nervous, but glad to have it over with.
The iron infusions are helping me and my hemoglobin is sloooowly moving up.
Hurray for lace! I love lacy stuff, I took my hubby into VS yesterday to see what he likes for after surgery! You are my inspiration girl! I saw the cutest valentines lingerie in there. I won't be up to that though, but it is fun getting his opinion.
I am glad you are doing so well and good luck on your interview, I hope you get the job!
Topic: RE: Update on Plastics, Wt Loss and Job Interview
Hi Lisa. I actually was on weigh****chers before WLS. I've kept up my registration and used ww as an additional support group. They have been very supportive. My leader and a few members know I had WLS. I will inform everyone else once I hit my weigh****cher goal. That's only 6 pounds away. I know there are some WLS patients who go to weigh****chers for the added support and weight loss. So it may help you too.
Wednesday's job interview is my first one with the hospital. If I do well, I will have a second interview with a few docs. So, we'll see how it goes.
My general surgeon wants me to lose a little more weight, about 20 pounds or so. I don't know if I want to or if my body will go any further. I know I don't have much left to lose.
I am going to take it day by day. I just know that for the first time in my life, I'm truly happy with myself.
Thanks for your message.
Topic: RE: Update on Plastics, Wt Loss and Job Interview
good luck on the job interview and let us know how that goes!
I bet you get it !!! all this weight loss and weight loss gives you
a ton of self esteem.
SO you tried WEIGH****chers???
think i need some help to loose my last weight
Topic: Update on Plastics, Wt Loss and Job Interview
Good morning everyone! Hope you all are having a fun weekend!
Yesterday I saw my plastic surgeon for my right thigh seromas. It looks like I am on the mend. The 2 smaller ones are resolving
on their own - no more needle aspirations or insertion of iodoform gauze in them. They don't hurt and look smaller too. The remaining one closer to the top of my thigh - well, the ps believes it is scar tissue that will soften over time. He did give me a local anesthetic and opened it up a bit and inserted iodoform gauze in there. Not much serous fluid came out; it was more bloody than anything. So I think he is right on target. I will see him again on Thursday.
I did lose 5 pounds this week, as I went to weigh****chers yesterday and was totally pleased. So I think I lost some fluid as I noticed that my right thigh is not as swollen as it was before.
Wendy, I did wear a black lacy hipster panty! Too cute
. My plastic surgeon is cute, too! He doesn't have regular office hours on Saturday. So it was just him and I. But I was a good girl!!
If all goes well this week, I will ask him if I will be able to have my second round of plastic surgery in late April or May. I think that is enough time to recover from my plastic surgery. My LBL is healing well. No problems. The incision is so small - no openings, nothing!! YAY!!
I am going to a job interview on Wednesday! This would be a wonderful professional opportunity for me. Wish me well. I will have to go on a second interview if the first one is successful. It's the first time in 19 years and the first time as a normal sized person.
I am so happy now. I can't tell you how good it feels. Shooping for anything is a pleasure!
Take care everyone!