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Scrappin Gal
on 7/18/06 4:00 pm - Corona, CA
Topic: RE: Honeys I'm Home
Count me in! ~Kerri
on 7/18/06 1:36 pm - CINCINNATI, OH
I just really been bummed lately. Im 13 months out and the weight is really starting to slow down. (times I feel if I am eating too much) I still have about another 60 lbs to lose. All my blood work came back normal. I am getting in all my protein & water. I still work out at the gym. My trainer still tells me that I am gaining muscle. But is so hard to tell with the hanging skin. My stomach/arms/ legs skin is loose. But I don't know how much of that is extra weight. I lost about 117 lbs so far. Yes, I know that is a great accomplishment but I feel I should be doing more. Im trying so hard not to "sympathy" eat. (eating when I feel blue, eating when I'm bored, etc) I really want to win the battle of the fat. I don't want to lose at this. I want to be a winner! I don't want to stretch out my pouch. I came too far to go back to my old ways. What can I do to get out of this funk? I just feel sad anymore seeing everyone else succeeding and im at a standstill. I know everyone else is different but at times it just don't feel this way. Thanks for letting me vent. Dawn
on 7/18/06 1:20 pm - Columbus, OH
Topic: RE: OKAY JUNEBUGS help Me out here....
Hi Lisa - I miss you!! I just got from Vegas (113). While I was hot outside - it wasn't enough for me to sweat much. Inside, I was freezing int he AC. I also had to use the blanket in bed. I also keep sweaters at work still and never wear shorts to work. Sharyn
on 7/18/06 1:15 pm - Columbus, OH
Topic: RE: Help!
Hi Beverly When you need surgery, you need it!! My bariatric surgeon actually isn't happy that I'm waiting to have my hernia repaired, it's in a bad spot (incarcerated). Anyway, I'll have it done 8/25 with abdomnialplasty and brachioplasty. If you need the surgery, don't put it off or feel you have to deal with the pain.
on 7/18/06 10:42 am - Columbus, OH
Topic: RE: Suggestions needed for caloric needs to loose weight 1 year out....
Hi Sandy Just though I would throw in my 2 cents. I have about 1000 calories a day, but am trying to get them up to 1200-1400. Reason being, I can't really increase and/or intensify my workouts anymore at 800-1000 calories, it's just not enough. If I do, my body won't let go of anything. I keep my carbs under 20 for a meal and under 50 for the day. Protein is usually over 100 and always at least 70. Sharyn 307/166/148
on 7/18/06 10:01 am - Columbus, OH
Topic: Honeys I'm Home
I'm back from Vegas and had a wonderful time. I wish you all had been there with me!! I met people from the singles, California, and July 2005 boards. So here's the deal. I think we should all start saving $5-$10 a week and go on a vacation together next year. Even if it's just for a weekend. What do you guys think? Sharyn
on 7/18/06 8:56 am - CHESAPEAKE, VA
Topic: RE: Help!
Cindy, I would love to chat with you.
on 7/18/06 5:31 am - Deep River, CT
Topic: RE: OKAY JUNEBUGS help Me out here....
Lisa- Sorry to hear that you're still frozen! Have you had your iron level checked recently? That can also be a symptom of anemia. Good luck- stay closer to hubby for body heat -Erica
Ms. Butterfly
on 7/18/06 4:41 am - Northern, CT
Topic: RE: Suggestions needed for caloric needs to loose weight 1 year out....
Thank you sooooo much, Laurel! I appreciate your feedback. I checked my caloric intake in Fitday (I used to be very good at keeping track) and it appears that I get about 1000 calories a day! As I am still 250#... I guess I need more..... Honestly, I don't have the appetite! You mentioned exercise... I WISH I could do it... I am in a holding patten now with chronic pain issues, so even getting in the pool is too painful. The good news is that I am scheduled for my knee replacements this fall. The first replacement is Sept. 26th, the second is October 24th! After they are done, i look forward to walking and exercising again! Thanks again for your suggestions.. I will take heed! And you take those B12 shots! Have a great day! Sandy
on 7/18/06 2:14 am - Malvern, PA
Topic: RE: OKAY JUNEBUGS help Me out here....
Lisa, I feel your pain. I'm freezing all the time. My feet are like ice blocks. I could not ge warm in the winter but thought for sure that would pass in the summer but is hasn't. Chip
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