Ilyssa Jane in the hospital
Hey Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that Ilyssa Jane was admitted into the hospital last night. She has had a parasite for a couple of months and she has been treating it with meds but it got the best of her last night. She called me in a lot of pain and I advised her to call the DR. He sent her to the hospital. I have been emailing with her and they are not sure what is wrong with her.
Please sign her page so when she gets better she will feel the love.
Hi All!
Well I got home at 1:30am this morning after 30 hours of being in the emergency room. From what they can tell so far, yes it is a parasite (which has been lingering around for almost 2 months) but it just isn't going away. My bypass looks GREAT and I do NOT have a bowel obstruction! Which were the main concerns being what we all have been through! They determined this through 2 seperate CatScans over a few hour period. From all my blood work everything appears normal, no infections and parasites don't show up in blood so unfortunately I had to give a TERRIBLE type of sample (which I am sure you all can imagine what that was) and now we wait for those results (it takes a couple of days). They have put me on FiberCon pills as they should help move things along my intestines/ colon quicker which may help push out the parasite b/c the parasite has SLOWED everything down and things are just sitting there if you all catch my drift
In the mean time I am pretty much on a liquid/ soft protein diet for a few days to see how I do, they have abandoned the BRAT (Bananas, Rice, Apples Sauce, Toast) diet b/c part of the problems I had been having they believe has been plain old DUMPING from all the carbs! I am still allowed my pretzels though if they don't upset my tummy. THANK G*D!
I am pretty much home bound all weekend as per the doctors orders. I did venture to the store today to get the FiberCon as I wasn't going to a drug store at 1:30am and I was in a terrible amount of pain half way through my 20 minute trip out. But I stayed in the rest of the day today and I feel a bit better. I still have rumbling through my intestine and colon (which all along I had been mistaking for tummy grumbling) I guess any physical activity is just too much for me right now other than basic moving around the house, so IF I choose venture out at all this weekend, I will make sure I am with someone and not doing it alone (it is supposed to be beautiful in NYC this weekend)!!!
Thanks to everyone for your incrediblely caring e-mails and posts! I was so happy that while I was in the hospital I was able to use my blackberry and read all the wonderful words that were flowing in, it really helped keep my spirits up!!!
And a special thanks to HAPPY LOSER FOR BEING A GREAT EAR to turn to through all this!!!!!!!! Thank you for caring!!!!!!!!!
Love you all!
P.S. in 30 hours of being in the ER I lost 6lbs, I wonder if I will be able to keep it off (one can only hope)!!!