How'd we do in April?
I'll be the first to post, since I was a royal screw up in April, maybe it will make it easier for some others to post.
At the end of last week, I was down 3 lbs for April. As of today, I lost nothing at all. Totally my fault... I really pigged out yesterday, so I knew it would happen. Nway, so much for's a new month.
How'd ya'll do?
Well, I screwed up the month of April. I have no idea how much I lost. I weigh everyday but didn't write down my weight this past month. If I lost any it wasn't deserved. I have eaten TONS of chocolate this past month - daily. It's all I can think about - sugar! I'm obsessed.
My one year goal is to weigh 180. The only reason I picked that weight was because my doctor told me I'd be lucky to reach it since I don't exercise. I weighed 186 today. I might actually make it. Miracles do happen. :P
340/186/130 to 140 - not sure yet ???
Yes, chocolate is the enemy. I did the same, and chocolate protein shakes just don't taste the same. Nway, it does show that we are in control of what happens to us. You've done an excellent job!
Congrats. I am sure you will make your goal of 180. I've exercised and lost less than you, so maybe it helped you not exercising. People have different views on that. Once when I did a medically supervised weight loss at a hospital, I was told not to exercise till I lost most of my weight, since I was so obese, they didn't want me gaining muscle first. Nway, exercise does make you feel better though. Good luck!

Well i am only officially 6 lbs down for the month of April. I lost 9 but some of that was re-loosing weight. So i just don't count that. So i am down 6 lbs for the month. I have noticed a gain in inches in my thighs from so much bike riding.. so my mind says maybe i put on some muscle weight? OK OK i am just trying to feel better. HA