Watch your calcium, ladies!
I hate to be a downer with all of the great things going on for everyone, but I've got to share some alarming news I received today. Week before last, I had a bone density scan done by my PCP. The results came back with 88% density for someone my age.
I've been religious about my supplements, but this falls into the osteopenic range ALREADY. That means I'm on my way to osteoporosis at the age of 34! His recommendation is that I increase my calcium and D intake, and take it with food - which I've been doing all along. We'll follow up the bone density test in 2 years! I'm a little stressed, and will talk to him about it next week.
On a positive note, we got back from WDW last night.
We had a fabulous time, and I was able to out-last my hubby and kids with all the walking and standing. Every time I saw a really heavy person struggling or on a motorized cart or in a wheelchair, it was all I could do not to go talk to them about WLS. I can't tell you how many times I told my hubby how thankful I am to have had this surgery. It has changed my life!
Thanks for listening. I wanted to share my joy and warn you about this calcium problem.