10 month Stats
I wanted to share my 10 month stats. I just celebrated 10 months out.
Weight - 142.5
Calf - 15 inches (1/2 inch lost)
Upper Leg - 21 inches (1/2 lost)
Upper Arm - 11 inches (lost 1 inch)
Breast - 32 inches (lost 1/2 inch)
Wasit - 26 1/2 inches (lost 1/2 inch)
Hips - 34 inches (lost 1 inch)
Goal Weight - 138 (4 1/2 pounds to goal)
Total inches lost since 8 month post - 4 inches
Total weight lost since 8 month post - 7 pounds lost
Total weight lost since surgery - 101.5
Current size - Size 6 and some Size 4
I would like to lose 2 1/2 inches more off my waist. I would like to get into the 130's.
Current mental issue - I am terrified of regaining weight. I just read an article in the WLS Lifestyle magazine about a woman that has gone up and down as much as 25 pounds. I don't want to yo yo like this. I had this before WLS. I hope that I can keep my weight within 5 pounds in either direction. This is my goal.
I feel like there are a lot of "eyes" watching and waiting. There are some people that I am sure would like me to fail. I want to win for me, but I certainly don't want to lose to the satisfaction of people that do not have my best intentions at heart.
Can anyone relate to this fear? Continue to send your positive energy my way. Everytime I have asked for your positive energy and prayers great things have always happened in terms of my weight loss. Ladies help send me the energy so that I can reach my goals in the next month. I would like to be in the 130's before my annual visit. Keep that energy coming my way! I need your continued help and support. Help to carry me to the finish line.