Average Calories?
O****ep reading what everyone is eating and you guys make me feel like a pig. I average around 1200-1300 calories which i thought was suppose to be what we are at. But when i read some of the posts i feel like the girl with her plate piled to overflowing sitting at the table of cheerleaders drinking water and suckign on salsa packets.
So what does everyone average in calories? Am i just hitting posts and not understanding where everyone is at food wise?
PAUL i dont really count my calories.
BUT i am sure if i did put my daily intake
in on fitday.com i would be in that same range
on the majority of days.
I have always been able to eat, always had
hunger and do the 6 mini meals a day thing.
ONLY thing is the meals are getting bigger now.
DONT know if it helps but i do keep my protein
at 75 grams and up and i try my best to
keep the carbs down.
Paula, I think the important thing is to be in line with your surgeon/dietician and try not compare yourself to other post-ops.
I was freaking out last week because I average 1500-1700 calories a day... and I am still losing weight consistently. I spoke to my dietician, and she wants me up to about 2000 calories a day to try to find my maintenance point. This is higher than any other WLS patient I know, but I decided that I need to be concerned with me and *my* program, and less worried about how I compare to others. We are all so different, I think we are just asking for trouble when we do that!
As long as you are hitting your nutrients, following your plan, and feeling good, I am sure you are just fine!
Lap RNY 6/7/05
I'm at about the same calorie count right now. I am still losing about 10 lbs a month so I am not worried about it.
I can't excersize right now because I am having concerns and need to see the cardiologist. But as soon as I get the ok I think I will lose more a month.
I think you are doing fine.
Hey Paula,
I usually mix it up to sorta keep my metabolism guessing.
I'll do a few days around 1200 cals, a few days around 1500 cals, then a few days around 900 cals... seems to be working pretty good for me.
When I was eating the exact same things over & over and the same calories every day - i was having stalls for several weeks at a time. Plus, I was sticking to just three meals a day and no snacks. BUT since i've broken it up to where i eat about 5 or 6 times a day, it seems to have helped too.
As a general rule, i keep my main meals under 400 and my snacks under 200 (mostly my snacks are around 100 cals - but I allow myself upto 200 cals). This rule also helps me to keep a handle on my portion sizes and my pouch size. I'm terrified of stretching it out to more than a cup of solid food - but i can eat almost two cups of salad
, which scares me sometimes! But then I remember that it chews down into almost a liquid...but still, that kinda freaks me out.
Anyway- that's what i'm doing.

That is so funny, because whenever there is a "what are you eating" post here on the board, I am too ashamed to list what I am eating because I feel it is way too much. I don't have a standard guideline, I just eat whatever I want- making sure that it doesn't have a lot of sugar or fat in it- and it seems to be working for now. I have no idea how many calories I am doing.
I ate everything at easter dinner (except for the pie and brownies) and I was stuffed. My plate was pretty full- just like everyone else's. When I felt too full I stopped, but I felt like a pig. Sometimes I go to subway for lunch, and get a turkey breast sub and baked lays- but I peel off most of the bread. Still, I feel like a pig for going to fast food. I dunno. I guess as long as I still see the pounds coming off (3 more just this weekend!!!) I am doing fine and I shouldn't compare to other people.
Thanks for this post Paula- I am SO glad I am not the only one who eats!