It took me 18 years, but I did it!!!!
Congratulations!!! WOW, roller skating...that's one I hadn't thought of. I'm going to have to try it sometime! Too much fun!!! I hope to go bike riding again as well sometime soon. Should be interesting... hopefully my husband won't have to put his hand on my back and push me this time because I got tired!
I went to the playground with the kids and actually went down all the slides. Even the small ones for the kids. there was one that was like a series of metal rods that rolles.. well i yad to yelp all the way down. I have no padding on my butt and it actually hurt a bit. I should have gone donw on my belly then i woudl have plenty of skin pad. but with my luck the skin woudl have gone throguh the rollers like an old wrung dryer.
Can anyone else trip on there belly skin yet? Or have you knelt on it when you were trying to get up??? UG somedays i think fat may have been better. OK not really but the skin is bothersome. LOL