I am proud to announce that i am officially no longer obesite...(hate that word, and i did start this journey at the SUPER OBESITE size). I am
in the OVERWEIGHT category now and that wonderful.
TONIGHT while shopping in walmart i decided to try on a pair of jeans...
all my 13's are a little big but didnt think I was the 11/12...well....i picked
a pair, stretch kind, brought them in the dressing food...sucked in all that
extra skin and got the closed and sipped! I was soo shocked...a bit tight
but doable! GOD i dont remember being a 11/12 EVA! So im pretty happy
and so needed this....my weight is really creeping off slowly so getting
in the 11/12's made my week!
GLAD were all having such wow moments, good checkups and hitting those new sizes...so love the JUNE FORUM~
love ya all
THANKS for the kind words...
I think the next 10 lbs will make the jeans
LOOK better but with a long top its fine but
it is sort of pushing my fat up over the top
of the pants but at least there not baggy
like the 13's!
Ill deal with this till the top fat comes down!
JUST gonna have to push harder at the gym!