How long does hair loss last?
I feel ya Diane my hairloss started about 4 weeks ago and it has no signs of slowing. A family friend of mine just stopped loosing and is now growing hair back, the loss lasted about 3 months for her.
They said that it is actually the new growth pushing out your old hair and you are not really going bald, not sure about that.
The hair loss has really bothered me. I guess I didn't really give it much thought in the beginning because I have such thick hair and didn't think it would be a problem for me. WRONG!!!! It shocks me to see how much falls out in the shower and when I bru**** I'm surprised that I have any left. I wear it in a ponytail so I don't really see bald spots except the ones starting around my hairline. My "tail" is looking pretty wimpy too. :P
Hello all!
There was a news cast last night about hair loss and weight loss. They said in rare cases hair never comes back fully. They also said to take Biotin, but not to expect results for 6-8 months. I have been losing tons of hair at the same rate my mom has been losing her's due to Chemo. I almost think she and I should just shave it off and do wigs for awhile. I have long hair and pony tail is very very thin now. I used to wrap my pony tail elastic two times, three times tops to keep it in place. Now I have to go four or five times. And when I put it in a bun you can see tons of bald spots. I have up'd my potien as much as I can. I am trying very very faithfully to take my multi-vitamins. I do my B-12 on the 14th. I am going to find a doctor and dietian soon. To have my follow ups. I hope that they can help me.
Good Luck to all and take care!