Answer for hair loss!!!!
Hey there everybody, I just wanted to share with you a product that I've tried because I was so afraid of my hair falling out. My surgery date was June 15th and I have'nt lost any of my hair My sister-in-law told me about Noni Juice about two years ago and I've been taking it now for about a year, in fact I took it all the way up to my surgery date and I have'nt had one problem since my surgery. It's all natural, the benefits are it increases mental clarity...builds your immune system....makes your skin,hair and nails beautiful. In fact Chauncy Billups endorses it..(he plays for the Pistons) On this web site they tell you all about the Noni Fruit and what it does for your body Polynesian's have been using it for years to heal themselves. The are no preservatives or sugars in it. It taste like flat grape juice...ingrediants are Noni fruit, grape juice and blueberry juice...that's it. It comes in a 1 liter bottle and you take an ounce before bed everyday.Best part it has a 90-day money back guarantee..they say if you don't feel better after the first bottle you get a full refund it has worked wonders for me, I just had my blood work done and everything was normal, and I feel great. I hope this helps some of you with your hair loss. By the way...I was wondering how do you get those pretty designs on your web sight? I want to update mine with some pictures but I have this boring pink background...can someone help me?