Tape Measure REMINDERS!!!
I just wanted to drop a note and remind everyone that our measuring tapes are our friends. USE THEM!!!
For instance- From the last time i measured i have only lost 2 lbs. BUt i lost 6 inches. Now i am no mathmatitian... but i have to be getting smaller even though the scale doesnt' show it. Sometimes i think we beat ourselves up over weight when we are still making progress. I have lost a total of 60 inches. When i uncurl the measuring tape and see what 60 inches looks like it helps to put a visual to my weight loss.
Also this week i retook pictures to keep in my journal of weight loss. I got smart and went the Microsoft word and put my pre surgery, my i moth picture and my 3.5 month picture side by side. MAN IT IS HARD TO DENY when you see them sitting nect to each other. Even when they are on seperate pages and you flip back and forward it was not as dramatic as side by side. I have been wearing the same shirt and it is fun to watch the shirt look completely different as i go. I think i may just keep taking it in for my pictures. Thought it would make a really cool
morphing/melting picture in the end.
Just some thoughts to help keep us motivated!
i made a side by side with a photo takeing before and then at my 3 months. HOW did you do it in MICROSOFT WORD as i would
like to put more together and side by side and the photo program i have didnt let me.
AND i do believe in the tape measure too, my gym measures me and since i returned to my gym....sept 6 i have lost 13 more inches to my already huge amount of inches.
I love when i add my kids weight together and size and say thats how much i lost and look at them peeled off me...its alot!