Hey Junebees
Hey everyone.
So is anyone becomming a puking queen like I am? I puke everynight!! I puked during lunch today I had grilled chicken with salad. I hate it but I have become a pro at puking i dont even have to stick my finger down my throat. What is everyone eating if they are not puking. So far the only things that dont make me puke are: pizza, peanut butter and sugar free jam with wheat ritz crackers, ham, cheese, eggs, bacon, sunflower seeds. Turkey burgers I barf, chicken i barf and meat i barf..
Please help me with some menu selections and some stuff that makes you feel good.
I tried taco bell yesterday, i no i no but it was great i had a chicken soft taco with cheese and beans and it felt good going down and it stayed down. I have a DRS appointment tommorrow so hopefully he will help me out.
Any suggestion would be great
Hey there. Did you Surgeon give you a diet program to follow? I am only 10 wks. out but if I eat more than 2-3 ounces at a time, I get very ill. My tiny little pouch just can't handle it. They highly recommend that I weigh my food. I was shocked at how little 2-3 ounces is. Hope you get some great replies. And I hope your puking stops soon! ~hugs~ Teresa
RNY/June 8, 2005
I have noticed that if the meat is too dry it somes right back up. Char grilled used to be my favorite. But now it is just too dry and gets stuck.
My mother in law keep making the tomatoe cabbage soup (member that diet years ago) and she puts ground beef in it. It is delicious and i seem to have no problems with it. That is my new craving lately. Good luck and think moist. If you think the meat is too dry dip it in a sauce or a broth it may help some.
I listed some of these in another thread, but deli meat rolled up with cheese is good for me, refried beans, tomatoes (peeled and cut up), melon, strawberries, soft boiled eggs, yogurt, Spaghettios, Wendy's chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, fish, chicken (moist and cut up small), shrimp... these are all things I usually do fine on.
The night before last I tried canned pineapple and threw up. This morning I bought a ham and egg sandwich at the restaurant in the building I work in. The egg was sort of fried, but not at all greasy. That did not stay down. I have not even tried hamburger yet. There are just some things I know are not going to work for me. When I try something new, I know right away... it sort of feels heavy to me or something. (Does that make any sense??)
I say if your doctor has you cleared to try anything, then you try anything. But you have to listen to your body. If something makes you yak, make a note of it and try it again in a few weeks. Just don't push yourself. On days when I throw up, I try to take it easy on my pouch for the rest of the day and stick to foods I can trust.
Hope this helps!!!
6/7/05 - Lap RNY
sorry to hear your puking so much.
I think its best you discuss this with the surgeon
when you see him today.
I dont know i only get sick on ocasions and can
eat most anything. THE only times i puked up was
i didnt chew well enough.
GOOD LUCK and this should be discussed.
SOUNDS like to much upping
let us know what the doctor says
Hi Stacey,
Sorry to hear you are vomiting so much. Make sure you talk to your doctor about the possibility of having a stricture. This can make you vomit. Right now I am still on full liquids due to a stricture, and am having my second (and hopefully last) dilation today. Right now I can have about a a cup of soup sipped over about a half hour, or a half a cup of cottage cheese, or pudding at a time. So I would say my pouch hold about 2-4 ounces right now. It may be a little less when I begin eating mushy or regular food again, I'll see.
So make sure you talk to your doc. It's not normal to be vomiting everyday with this surgery.
Stacy, your way past me and we have the same surgery date. I still can only eat very very moist foods and that is mostly at lunch time. Even chili can make me throw up at dinner. I have tried shrimp, crab and even veg at dinner can come up. I usually try about a tsp of something and wait 5 min. If it feels heavy, I know if I eat anymore, it will come up. If I feel fine, then I will eat more. Hope it helps. Sara
Hi there...I am sorry to hear you are throwing up so much. I must be one of the few lucky ones because I have YET to puke since my surgery (6/29/05) I have tried just about everything that isn't fried or has sugar in it and I am fine. I have even been baking with splenda and had home made banana bread and zucchini bread. I don't know if it is because I have stuck to the protein drinks and shakes religiously since I came home from the hospital, but I am doing great. I have eaten tacos...but ones I made at home. I can eat any meat, but have lost the taste for beef because of the chewing thing. I have also lost the taste for pizza for the same reason. I do know that some vomiting is normal, but I hope you have a chance to talk about this with your surgeon. Good luck to you.