I have to have my gallbladder out! Go figure...I was open....take the thing out and throw it in the trash! Now I have to have it out! I guess there is no sense in taking the actigall now!
I had a HIDA scan last week. A normal gallbladder shows after 30 minutes....the test is an hour.....still no gallbladder.....runs for another hour......8 seconds! a gallbladder. He said it isn't anything that needs immediate attention thank goodness! I have a grandson who is going to be born on September 12th and it is 250 miles away so I need to drive! Not looking forward to having another surgery. Hopefully this will be scope not open
Maybe this explains why I am having such a hard time eating beef, pork, eggs, yellow cheese, and fish? The only thing that I can eat are veggie burgers....chicken (dark meat only) and deli turkey. Good thing for protein shakes!
Hope you all do better with this than I have!
Did you read my Complications-back in hospital again? Same issue. Only they decided not to take it now. I'm only 7 weeks postop. I felt the same way----why not take it out while you were in there? I have to have it out eventually cause I have stones. I have no problem with cheese, eggs, or veggie burgers. Haven't tried chicken or beef yet. When I was in the hospital for my ulcer last week, the nurse gave me a printout of the gallbladder procedure (lap). It requires 3 to 4 little incisions, one below the solar plexis, one at the navel, and one on your right side under the liver. They sometimes put a drain in like with the GB. Recovery is supposed to be less intense than GB. Stay: 2 days. Hope that helps.
I think this is something the MD's need to learn. Check out the gall bladder while you are in there and take it out if there is a problem. My surgeon said they would take it out if there was any sign of disease. Thankfully, I had a gall stone and they took mine out at the time of my surgery. I am sorry you both have to look at surgery again so soon. Grrr... Jo
Oh... I don't know about not taking the Actigall. I had my gall bladder out about 8 years ago and I've been taking Actigall since about 6 mos. out from that surgery. Ya see, I still toss gall stones! Yup, that's right, even if you don't have a gall bladder, you can still toss the stones. That is because the stones are formed in the duct between the liver and the gall bladder. You still have that duct after the gall bladder is removed.
For some people, they never have another problem once the gall bladder is removed. For me... well, I'm still on Actigall and I don't know that I will ever be off of it.
Wish he had taken it out when I had my surgery on 6/1! would have been really nice not to have to have surgery again!
What can you do?! At least he gave me pain meds to take. I have a very hard time with the adult me diarrhea....not that you wanted to hear that! I think it has way too much sugar in it for me!
I do hope that he can do it lap and not open me again!