How many carbs?
Callie -
Hi! Sounds like you are doing great! I'm certainly no expert, but I will pass on to you what my Nut. told me, which is that the carbs and the protein should be about the same. Like, if you eat something with a nutrition label on the packaging, the carbs on the label should be somewhere around the same amount as the protein. Sometimes, this is easy, and sometimes not. But I have found that if I try to eat anything with far more carbs than protein, or anything with more than about 14 grams of sugar, I get sick. Hope this helps. Also, you have to keep in mind that you don't necessarily eat all the carbs in a particular serving. Like, I get the Healthy Choice pizzas, but only eat the toppings, so really I'm not eating much of the carbs listed on the label, as they mostly come from the crust.
Keep up the good work!!!!
Like so much of the information given by different surgeons/nutritionists there is a lot of variation. Carbs are tricky. Sometimes it is not carbs per se, but what type of carbs and how they are eaten. Carbs with high glycemic value (how fast they are converted to glucose and enter the blood stream) will cause a big release of insulin which is a part of what causes the dumping syndrome. It also signals the body to store fat. My personal opinion is that most morbidly obese people are carb sensitive (and addicted). The important thing is to eat good carbs that are high in nutrients and fiber, protein should be eaten first, then carbs. This slows down how fast the carb**** the blood system.
Somewhere I was just reading that nutritional researchers have noted that goal weight bypassers who exceeded more than 25 carbs a day had a much faster regain. That's really low........