Tomatoes, anyone???
Okay, i'm finally to the point that I can have soft vegetables. Spinach, green beans, cooked carrots, asparagus, and so on. These are my favorite things, so I'm extremely excited. but, one of the things I'm really craving is a home grown tomatoe! I know that I've been told to stay away from citus, but is a tomatoe considered a citrusy food? I mean, I know that it has a lot of acid in it, but is that the same as citrus? Please help.
I had my surgery on June 20th. I have been eating tomatoes for about two weeks skin seeds and all but I haven't had many problems with any foods. I did have a scare yesterday. I had a 1/4 of a waffle for breakfast with a banana on it. What I didn't know was they glazed the bananas in sugar. I really felt sick for about 3 hours.