amusement park rides
Can anyone give me advice about riding amusement park rides after laproscopic gastric bypass? I had my surgery 7 weeks ago and would really like to ride a relatively "gentle" roller coaster. I know better than to ride anything with heavy g-forces that would rip open my internal sutures, but I'm going to an amusement park tomorrow and they have a wide range of rides including older, wooden roller coasters.
Any advice anyone?
at 6 weeks out, (and only because I was 15 lbs under 250) I rode a ride that had all the bells and whistles. It went upside down, sideways, up, down, and VERY fast. I was scared--not for my stiches or my insides, but because it's been three years since I could get an over the shoulder harness to close over me. I had no pain, no nausea, just your normal lightheadedness that everyone gets. At my one month post-op, I asked the doc and he said it would be fine. I just threw in an extra 2 weeks on top of his reccommendation. Hope this helps!