what excersise are you doing?
Oh Lisa,
This heat is sucking the life out of my exercise plans! I am hoping to actually join a gym that has a pool. I think that's the only way I am going to get my (hopefully) shrinking BUTT moving! I know it's essential, especially to raise metabolism, etc. So, I am going to get price quotes, etc. Good luck. Pray for a break in the heat so we can walk for FREE! HA! Good luck!
Hi Lisa,
I too am feeling the heat. Makes it hard to exercise. But what im doing is about an hour in the pool, swimming, running in place, and lots of arm and leg exercises, and laps. Also we have an indoor gym where I live, so I do about a mile on the treadmill, and 4 miles on the stationary bike about 3x's a week.
I have joined Curves, (and plan to get back this month!) I love the fact that it is all ladies!, I also do 45 minutes on the treadmill. If you don't have one, I highly recommend it. When it is raining or so hot, you can sweat like a pig in the privacy of your own home!! My parents just bought one from Walmart, and love it. We got ours from Play it Again Sports, but it was new when we bought it. It is a Horizon T 53 model. If we are blessed enough to get any income tax money back, this has always been a good time for us to make purchases like buying a treadmill! It was one of the best purchases that we ever made. Sincerely, LMW
Hi Lisa,
The heat is on but I walk early in the morning or late in the evening....I am walking 4 miles a day. As soon as my granddaughter starts school I will be upping it to 3 miles 2X's a day! I love walking...putting on my headphones and forgetting about everything! I also plan my day (or the next) when walk......I love it!
Temp is going to 90 today and humid....but I will be walking tonight! Also...you can walk at the mall......it is air conditioned! Just don't stop in the stores and spend any $$.....I leave my purse in the trunk of my car!
Hi Lisa,
I was lucky and anticipated not wanting to exercise in the heat of the summer. I borrowed a treadmill from a co-worker and put it in my room over the garage which has it's own window a/c unit so I can keep the room cool. I walk on it 30 minutes every morning. I've been gradually increasing the speed and am now walking a little over a mile. See if you can find someone with a treadmill they're not using (so many people who own them never use them!) and ask to borrow it. If after a few months you're still using it offer to buy it from them or go out and invest in one of your own.
UGGGHHHH! the heat! I know what you mean. We are starting another heat wave this week. I had been going to the gym faithfully until about 2 weeks ago. I have been swimming in our pool but I don't feel like this is enough. I am headed to the gym today and hopefully going to get back on track. It sucks to be off schedule. My big goal was to loose another 40lbs by the end of August but I don't think that is going to happen.
Good luck with the walking.
Hi Lisa,
Great post, I love to hear what ppl are doing. I need ideas!
I walk outdoors in the morning before it gets too hoy, 30-45 min. Get a music player...it realy supercharges my workout!
I also do water workouts. Working up the nerve to swim. I do interval training, 15 sec easy walking, 20 sec moderate, 25 sec all out. I do a warm up and cool down and go for an hour. It feels great!
Yours in pounds down,
PS: If its way too hot I walk around target, superwalmart or a mall. I gotta be comfortable!