Fiber question??????????????????????

on 7/27/05 12:01 pm - (city), GA
Hi, I had my surgery on June 14th. I gradually upped my protein until I reached 60 grams at 4 weeks. I was very glad to finally be able to take enough in. However, I have developed a terrible problem with constipation since I have upped my protein which has resulted in a severe case of hemmroids. I don't mean to be gross, but has anyone else experienced this? It is painful, and the discomfort is now interfering with my daily activities such as sitting and my exercise time. Did anyone have to see a specialist regarding this? What did you end up doing? I have been using Colace and Milk of Magnesia and still developed this problem. Also, what types of fiber did your doctor recommend that is safe to take after having WLS? I would appreciate your suggestions.
~*Ginger Locks*~
on 7/27/05 12:17 pm - California, MD
Well, you are taking what my doc's office recommended to me. They also said I could chew a couple of those sugar-free Fiber Choice tablets each day....but that might irritate "Roy." I use to have a major problem with Roy in the years prior to my surgery...on and off. You might already be doing this, but Prep H cream and suppositories worked WONDERS for me and those little witch hazel wipey's. These things should help the swelling come down and help "clear the exit" so to speak. Actually, the suppositories might really help with that... You may want to check with the doc to make sure it's okay to use it. I wish you the best of luck...I know it's not fun. (hugs) Pam
on 7/27/05 2:34 pm - NC
Girl, I feel your pain!!! Before surgery, I had a terrible problem with "Roy", as Pam so adorably calls it. She is right, though. Suppositories and witch hazel and Prep H really help. I actually eat 2-4 pitted prunes every night before I go to sleep. I chew them very, very well. This does the trick for me. Like you, I get constipated very easily. Prune juice used to do it for me prior to the surgery, but actually the prunes have far less sugar than the juice does, and I don't want to dump. Maybe you could try it? For some reason, all the fiber supplements in the world don't seem to work for me, and they make me feel bloated and yucky. Prunes go down smooth and are very gentle on my system. One piece of advice, if you don't mind. Whatever you do, don't get a hemorrhoidectomy! I did, prior to WLS, because I had such severe Roy problems and I was sick to death of the pain and the blood (filled up the bowl every time). Let me tell you, that surgery is the single most painful thing I have ever lived through!!! At least as painful as WLS, but probably more so, AND the pain lasts for two full weeks before it abates. It was the most horrible experience!!! I cried for two weeks straight! And that was WITH Percocet! Consider it: The only place on your body that doesn't get to rest while it is healing. No matter what, you will eventually have to go, and every time you do, it feels like someone is cutting you with glass. During that time, whenever I felt a BM coming on, I would start crying at the thought of the pain. Hindsight is perfect, as they say. If I could back and do it over, I would definitely put up with Roy forever before I would consider surgery for them. Anyway, try the prunes. Hopefully, they will work the same magic for you!
on 7/28/05 12:52 am - (city), GA
Wow ladies, thanks for your advice. I will definitely try the prunes. I had forgotten about them helping with constipation. I went for my 6 week check up today with my surgeon. He told me taking fiber would make it worse, and told me to pick up Magnesium Citrate over the counter at my local drug store and to drink half of the bottle (5 oz.). It comes in cherry and lemon flavor and is bitter and sour as all get out. But, I am ready for some relief. He said that this will clean anyone out quite effectively, and he also recommended that I up my water consumption to 64 ounces. I am going to work towards that. Thanks for the advice about not getting the surgery done. I wondered about that. I am so sorry that you had to endure that. I hope that I can have some relief from this soon!!
Joni Denney
on 7/28/05 2:20 pm - Mission, TX
My WLS surgeon gave me some suppositories and said it soulds like a fisture (sp?) . I had never heard of this but it is like a very small cut. It helped a little but not much. I went to my Gastrenterologist this past Monday and was given a prescription for a flavorless powder stool softner to take before I go to bed. I put it in my protein shake. An antibiotic gel and Lidocane geg for pain to apply before I have a bowel movement. I am doing much much much better! I feel your pain. If you have insurance I would go to specialist in this field. joni.6.27.2005
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