Happy ONE month to all you June 21sters
It feels great to be a loser!!!!
Update, all one month labs OK.
Can move on to "soft" foods. Had some beef/onion/tomatoe from hubbies fajitas tonight. Yummmmm
No pain
No problems except feeling really bad after eating some reg mayo a couple weeks ago.
High weight - 250
Surg weight - 234
Today's weight - 213
Hope the rest of you are doing as well as I am!!!!!!
Great job Sandra! Let the feeling bad go. I was at support group last night and we were talking about that. A little bit of fat is absolutely okay as long as it doesn't bother you (ie vomiting or dumping). So don't feel bad, just use common sense. Obviously you are using your common sense as you have lost almost 20 lbs in one month! Great job!
Good luck, Debra