Boyfriend and me eating...
Why is it everytime I eat something my boyfriend (of 4 years) asks me if I am suppose to be eating that? I am going crazy. He acts like I am not suppose to eat at all. I am getting really pi$$ed at him. I get hungery too. I feel like he thinks I should not eat until I loose all the weight. Does anyone else have this problem with their mate? I am sooo mad today about it. He is really starting to get on my last nerve.
My hubby is just the opposite, he is nagging about me not eating enough, I guess he thinks he is helping, which maybe your boyfriend is trying to do, I would explain to him that what he's doing isn't helping but hindering you. Ask him to be supportive, try to make him understand what you are going through... Best of Luck hang in there....
My husband doesn't do it...
a) He knows I'd the heck out of him!!
b) He is just amazed at the drastic reduction in volume of food that I eat
c) He knows I'd the heck out of him!!
BUT one of my dear girlfriends DOES do that. It drives me nuts. She and I would talk about the surgery together all the time. She wanted it too. Then when I finally put the plan into action and did it....she changed her whole attitude about the surgery and didn't want me to do it. She wanted me to diet with her (again..for the eleventybillionth time). So since my wls, she "picks" or comments on everything I eat. It drives me NUTS!! I love her dearly, so I don't say anything because I think she is just struggling with her own decision about the surgery and she's not the type to look like a she's in her own struggle. I figure I will just keep on gettin' on...hopefully, she comes to terms with whatever it is and is still my friend. If not, I will end up replacing that negative energy in my life with something positive.
Hopefully, your BF will relax a little. Maybe he is just scared that you will get hurt or he is just amazed at the recovery? I feel for would tick me off to no end!! Haven't we been through enough?
oh shelley!!!! i understand completely! only difference is, my food nazi's are my 3 kids! even my 3 year old will say "oooohhhhh, mommy you can't eat that!" it is a little easier, because a lot of times i can laugh because it is so funny coming from them. tell him how you feel! tell him it is hard enough for you without having him breathing down your neck. i am sure he just has your best interest at heart, but he has to know how much it irritates you!
My husband does that. At first I would say, "Yes, I can have cheese now" or whatever, but now I just take a big old bite of whatever it is and glare at him.
This thread is making me glad I didn't tell many people about my surgery. I told no one I work with, just immediate family. And my daughter is only 3, so she doesn't get it. She just keeps offeringme bites of whatever she is eating and I say "I don't want that, but it looks yummy." I've never told her I can't have something.
Have a conversation with him about it. Show him your diet plan and let him know what you can and can't have up front.
MY husband did this so much that I had to sit down with him and explain that my doctor told me to talk to him about it. (they really did!) He would look at everything I was doing, always ask me "shouldn't you be going on a walk?" and stuff like that. I was so mad- because he always did this before the surgery too- about everything. He used to get mad and stomp around when I would eat chocolate or something. How rude.
I sat down with him to explain that I am able to eat almost anything now that my body can tolerate (a little fib...) because the portions are so small. I told him not to worry about it, because the weight is coming off, and we did not waste our money on some useless surgery! Ugh. now I think I'm mad at him again.
But he did stop. now that I am down almost 50 pounds and he can see that the results are a reality, he is more supportive. It is because he is greedy, and wants a thin wife. If he keeps it up, he will have no wife, so there!
whew. that felt good. Good luck- and stand your ground!
I know I'm a little late replying to this post, but... hubby did that with me at first, untill I sat him down and showed him paperwork from the nutritionist and docs on what was acceptable for my stage. Now, he doesn't question me. Of course, I am being sensible about what I eat, no junk food or anything.
I feel like one of the luckiest women out there. My husband is so very supportive and has done the majority of the cooking at home since my surgery. He will even make special dinners for me and when I first got home, before he would go to work that morning he would make sure I had food prepared for the day. The only time he has said something about what I ate was when I picked up a tiny bite of browned hamburger meat. He was with me when the nutritionist said "No Beef". He made me spit it out and I did just to please him since he has been so wonderful. Good luck with the BF, I do think he is showing how much he cares.
Yes, my husband DID do that. At first I would be nauseaus after eating something or I would throw-up (happened 3 times) and my hubby would say I bet you ate too much... did you eat too much? Well it got really annoying... I thought you big jerk don't worry... I'm gonna lose the weight. So one day he said it and I snapped and said... oh by the way, I didn't eat too much... I ate my measly ole 3 ounces... I get so sick of you asking me that. Well, he was very offended, as I don't think he realized what he had been doing. ANyway, he said you know I am sorry to make you feel bad... excuse me for not wanting your stomach to rip open and you die and leave me without a wife. Well, that was an eye opener... here I thought he was being an insensitive jerk but he really and truly was looking out for me. And he is always making sure I can have something before I put it in my mouth. TOnight we had house church and the hostess always make*****h, koolaid, and a snack. Well, I heard him asking about it and then he said... oh Candy can't have that... it has to be sugar-free. He really make the hostess feel bad and I said I'm fine I don't want it really. It is hard for him to sit and eat while I sit there I think. He wants to make sure I have something... which I think is sweet. But you know since we haven't been eating out like before... he has already dropped 20 lbs! Anyway, just remember your boyfriend really may be concerned and not trying to be the food police! Love him for even caring!