Disappointed and afraid
This surgery was my last chance to feel normal. I came through the actual surgery with flying colors and I thank God for that. I lost 13 lbs the first week ( well who wouldn't on ice chips and chicken broth). I am still on full liquids until July 27th. The scale is barely moving. I lost more weight on Weigh****chers. I am drinking lots of water, 2 30g protein shakes a day, and maybe 1/2 cup of soup and 1/2 c of sugar free pudding. That's it. No more than about 500 calories. If I can't lose weight at 500 calories, what will happen when I introduce puree's and mushy foods? I'm estimating 800-900 calories a day on that. I am walking between 1-2 miles a day as well. Some days I think my surgeon did nothing to me but give me a bunch of tiny incinsions. I have never felt full, I have never vomited, and I DO get hungry. Anyone else feel this way?
You need to give your body a chance to catch up! You chose to do a major overhaul to your entire digestive system. You need to allow your body time to heal from that!
You will have weeks when you lose consistently, and weeks you do not. Try not to let it get to you... it will come! And do not weigh yourself every day! I mentioned once before that I only weigh on Tuesdays and Fridays. Otherwise I get discouraged. Even early out, we hit plateaus. This early on, you just need to have patience when that happens. Stick to doing what you know is best for you, and hang in there.
Most importantly, remember that this is not a magic cure for obesity. it is a tool, and you must give it time to fine-tune itself in the beginning.
I'm sorry you are having a rough time, but hang on, okay?
6/7/05 - Lap RNY
You really are not getting enough calories or protein on the diet you are on now! Try to get about 100 grams of protein from protein drinks... believe it or not.. Your body goes into starvation mode and actually needs more calories to lose weight. Please give it a try.. increase your protein!
I know exactly what you mean. I am at the same point. I have been the same weight for almost 2 weeks. I am starting to get discouraged too. I feel that if I eat anymore than I already am that I will definately not loose weight. I have had some mashed potatoes and gravy and a baked potato, thinking that would help ...NOT! I have also tried some chicken salad because I am so hungery. I thought that if maybe I increased my calories I would start loosing but that hasn't happened either. I increased my fluids and increased my protein and that hasn't worked either. I guess I am just really impatient. I am so hungery and I try to believe it is just head hunger but my stomach is growling all the time too.
I work out 3 days a week and do cardio 2 days, a total of 5 days in the gym.
Hopefully this will give way soon and we both will start dropping in size.
Try to have a good weekend.
I think we have all experienced these mini-plateaus already. My second week out of surgery I only lost a pound, but then my body got caught up. Our bodies are going into starvation shock. The body doesn't know why it is being starved all of a sudden and will refuse to burn anything for some time until it gets used to it... It is a survival mechanism. We just need to be patient. I bought a book, "Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies" and it goes over these post-op depression issues. A common thought that we are all having is, "This isn't going to work for me. All of those diets didn't work, and now this isn't going to work either". It is a common fear, but only a fear. The surgery will work as long as we follow our doctors' orders. Also, the grumbling you are experiencing can be coming from your bypassed stomach. At our support group, many post op people complained about the rumbling, but apparently, our bypassed stomach is totally unaware it was bypassed and is looking for food- it is not hunger. It actually will get more noisy as we progress. (weird). Your plateau is not because you are eating too much. It is just your body healing and getting over the shock of such a huge weight loss week one. Hang in there!
wow, I really needed to read this post. I have any weight in about 2 weeks either. & I had the surgery on the same day. I am floored! However, I have all but given up on myself. I haven't done nearly as well as you with the foods and and such. I think you are doing wonderful! Please try not to give up like me. If I didn't have such a beautiful baby I would have just thrown in the towel on life all together. Keep up the great work. You must know you are doing well, & the scale will have no choice but to follow.
I'm so glad to read this post and see that it's not just me. I lost 29 lbs. in the 1st 2 weeks. Then nothing the 3rd week. I was then hospitalized for 4 days (7/3 - 7/6) because of nausea/dehydration and while they ran test (which thankfully found nothing wrong) and came home with +14 lbs. of fluid!!! I since lost all of the fluid and am right back where I started after 2 weeks out! My surgeon did say that the body goes into shock after believing it is being starved. Supposedly eating more and upping the protein will help. We'll see. I'm feeling like it's not working for me either. It's very depressing.
Honey Bee
I refuse to weigh because I am afraid I won't lose or will lose so little that I will get depressed. I am trying to follow all the rules. I think I have been eating too much. I got a 1/4 c and 1/2 c measure yesterday and the ammount I have been eating at one time is more than that. I get so down on myself and so obsessed with self doubt. ie..maybe I stretched my pouch and I ruined everything or you have always lost weight slow and maybe you won't be successful!! The list goes on and on. I am not a stupid woman but tell myself I am doing something wrong. I have lost 25# and have not reweiged myself in 2 weeks. I am measuring out my food today so that I do not eat more than 1/2c total at a meal. I also think I was eating too many meals. Do you guys use your protein supplements as meals/snacks? I was using them as a liquid not a meal. I want so much to be successful at this as like most of you, I feel this is my last/only chance left. I dumped yesterday for the first time after eating too much and probably too fast. I do believe I am eating the right things though. Thanks for letting me vent.....Diane
Heather, I had surgery on the same day as you. I am going through the same thing. I have actually said to my husband- What if the doctor just cut me open and sewed me back up? But, these other posters are right. We are all going through it. It is this horrible frustrating plateau thing. I lost nearly 40 pounds in the first two weeks or so, but nothing since then! I am doing everything I should be.
My nurse told me that with the summer months, we are all swollen and holding back water. She upped my water intake to 100 ounces per day (was at 64) and told me to keep on doing what I'm doing. I know that since this is happening to absolutely everyone, it can't be wrong. It MUST be what happens to us at this time. Smile and think about the future!