Wow, I just found the June surgery message board and feel so much better after reading your post. Sometimes I get lost in the main one. I can relate to all the feelings you are having and hate to complain but can't help it. My friends have called me a scale ***** because every time I walk by it I have to step on it. I know better but I feel like it is some kind on compulsion with me. What is really depressing is that is that in the last week it has fluxuated back and forth 4 to 5 pounds. one day I am down 4 the next day I am up 5. I really dont understand except that I have been working out and doing laps in the pool. My friends say that muscle weighs more than fat but I am not working out that much and where does it go from day to day. Ya know. Well I am sorry that you are having the same feelings that I am but we are all in this together. If you ever need a shoulder to cry or just unload on let me know. I just keep my eye on the prize. (Next summer!!!)
Good luck to you,
We are doing fine, great even
Love yas,