Mary Jo....here's a great big (((HUG))). You know I'm a sister scale junkie and I get the same way when mine doesn't move. My mind goes into panic mode..."What the *@^$?" "Why isn't this working?" "I could have done THIS measly crap without surgery" and on...and on.... and on....
Yet, in the back of my mind I know it will pass...but it feels like an eternity waiting for it to happen. You are not alone and we are here for you. (((another hug)))
I promise you it will pass....SOON! The whooshie fairy just gets lost sometimes....that....or...we are just working her to death.
I hope you feel better soon.
Take care,
thanks for the encouraging words debbie! i know i have to try to stay positive. i knew coming into this, everyone said the weight loss would be slower because i am a "lightweight" (yeah right!), but i guess i still believe in miracles! yeah 29 lbs is not bad, i am pleased with it, but i just want, want, want!
geez, never happy i tell ya! thanks again for making me smile!

Hey Mary Jo, I've been frustrated too. Partly because I am still on that darned LIQUID DIET
and the scale stays in the same place for days. I'm not considered a light weight (301) and it just shocks me when the scale doesn't move. I need to get rid of it but I can't - I weigh like 5 times a day.
I was skipping my antidepressant every couple days - not wise considering. Ya think? :P I went to a support group meeting last night and I feel better today. Everybody was so positive and looked great. Do you have one you can go to? I think it's a good idea.

hey dawn! i go for my 2nd followup appt today at 1:30, so i am going to ask about the support group meetings then. i know they do them once a month at the hospital, just need to get more info on them.
i am a scale junkie too. although i weigh myself once in the morning, because they say i will be my lightest in the am!
and sometimes i will weigh myself at night, just to so i can compare to my morning weight.
thanks for the support meeting idea, i will be sure to ask about it! how did you find yours?

I was feeling the same way until yesterday. I was reading a post that refered me to www.thinnerself.com. There is information on the first six weeks after surgery and how your body goes into hibernation because it thinks you are starving. You might want to check that out. Also have you been measuring yourself? I have not lost any weight in almost 2 weeks but I measured myself and have lost 13 1/2 inches total since 6/29. Just because the scale is not moving, I am sure you are still loosing. Do you notice a difference in your clothes? Just make sure to get in as much protein and water as you can and you will make it past this stage.
My how we all become slave to the scale!
I weigh every morning, when I get home from work and before I go to bed.
I wish you the best and hope you don't feel so down. I know exactly what you are going through.

Get someone to help you. I didn't measure until I was 1 1/2 weeks out. I wish I would have done it when I started my pre op liquid diet.
Measure all body parts. I measure my bust, waist, hips, legs, calfs, upper arm and lower arm. Believe me it has made a difference in the way I have felt by knowing I am really loosing something even though the scale is not showing it.
Hope you have a better week. What did the Dr. tell you today? Hopefully all is well.
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you, my friend! I have not hit the dreaded plateau YET... but it will inevidably come. I was wondering however.... with the heat and humidity of summer... is it possible that you are just retaining fluid (that you cannot see)??? I know that my weight jumps up and down dramatically because of the humidity and heat.... my body hates the heat!
You may see a dramatic drop in a few days... hang in there! Something to boost your morale.. do a strick protein diet for a week... NO carbs.. it might boost your weight loss!
Take care my friend!